





上海辅泽商贸有限公司>>化学试剂>>生命科学-代谢组学>> Cloning EnzymesSigma-Aldrich 代谢组学克隆和表达

Cloning EnzymesSigma-Aldrich 代谢组学克隆和表达

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  • 上海辅泽商贸有限公司
  • 2018-07-24 10:51:29
  • 上海市
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • 558



品牌 Sigma-Aldrich 货号 Cloning Enzymes克隆和表达
规格 基因组编辑工具 供货周期 一周
主要用途 代谢组学
继ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)技术后,Merck在2013年推出新一代基因组编辑工具--CRISPR/Cas9,让研究人员以更快、更经济的方式实现基因组特定位点的编辑。




继ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)技术后,Merck在2013年推出新一代基因组编辑工具--CRISPR/Cas9,让研究人员以更快、更经济的方式实现基因组特定位点的编辑。凭借过去10年在基因组编辑领域的丰富经验积累以及专业的生物信息学平台,Merck已经成功设计出覆盖人类,小鼠和大鼠三个物种的所有基因的CRISPR/Cas9载体,并可以提供在线定制服务,以及完整的CRISPR实验workflow解决方案。此外,默克与Sanger Institute合作开发了人、小鼠全基因组CRISPR 文库,以帮助科学家实现基因功能的快速筛选、规模化的模型建立以及药物作用筛选等。

  • 高效:优化的载体设计,大限度提高转染效率,简化筛选工作
  • 特异:特殊的gRNA设计和双切口酶系统,大限度提高特异性
  • 全面:产品齐全,可提供质粒、RNA、慢病毒载体、RNP等形式,涵盖人、大鼠、小鼠、植物等多个物种,更有Sanger Arrayed和Broad Pools全基因组文库以及重要通路的亚文库
  • 掌控:强大的慢病毒全基因组文库可轻松进行高通量筛选,全面掌控人或小鼠的基因组


• CRISPR/Cas gRNA设计和选择
• crRNA定制合成
• 克隆和表达
• 抗生素
• GenElute™质粒DNA快速提取kit
• PCR扩增和核酸电泳
• SP6/T7 体外转录试剂盒
• GenElute™总RNA提取试剂盒
• 慢病毒包装系统
• 培养皿/离心管/枪头等基础耗材
Molecular Biology

Cloning & Expression


The aim of molecular cloning is to insert the gene-of-interest (GOI) into a plasmid vector. This vector is then inserted into a cell that will express the protein encoded by the GOI. Once protein is expressed, the protein function can be studied as it affects the cell signaling, morphology or other aspects. Alternatively, the protein can be expressed in large quantities that can then be studied directly with other techniques. We have a wide variety of products for use across the cloning & expression workflow.

expression workflow.


Cloning Products
• SnapFast™ Vectors
• Cloning Enzymes
• Restriction Enzymes
• Biomatrica™ Nucleic Acid Stabilization
• Custom DNA Oligos




Biomatrica® offers an innovative alternative to reliance on cold chain logistics

Biomatrica products enable researchers in academia, pharmaceutical drug development, and molecular diagnostics to stabilize ship and store biological samples for long periods of time with complete and rapid sample recovery, all at very affordable costs. Its SampleMatrix® proprietary core technology stabilizes and protects biological materials at room temperature without degradation.

Sigma Life Science is committed to bringing you Greener Alternative Products, which adhere to one or more of The 12 Principles of Greener Chemistry. This product was Designed for Energy Efficiency. To see how Stanford incorporated Biomatrica Technology and saved substantial amounts of energy, see their published study:

Biomatrica technology enables safe storage of biological material at room temperature.

Consistent sample maintenance allows for experimental reproducibility, and therefore ensures reliability, speeds time to results, greatly reduces costs, and is an environmentally sustainable alternative to all forms of cold storage. This technology can be applied to thousands of currently available products in the biotechnology, diagnostics and pharmaceutical industries, and has direct applications for billions of samples generated from genome mapping, and sample archiving used for research into personalized medicine and forensics.


 Stabilize and archive gDNA at Room Temperature
DNAstable® offers long-term preservation and stabilization of purified gDNA samples at room temperature in a dry-down matrix format. Available in single tubes, well plates (96 & 384) and tube-plates (96).
  • DNAstable® Trial Kit
  • DNAstable® Tube Kit
  • DNAstable® 96-Well Plate
  • DNAstable® Blood, trial kit
  • DNAstable® Blood LD, 10mL bottle
  • DNAstable® Blood LD, 100mL bottle
 Stabilize and archive gDNA at Room Temperature
Liquid-based preservative of purified gDNA with optional dry-down for longer storage time. Available as a liquid-based stabilizer in bottles (2ml & 10ml). Highly amenable to automation and high throughput workflows.
  • DNAstable® Plus 2 mL
  • DNAstable® Plus, 10mL bottle
 Collect, Ship and Store Tissues & Cells at Room Temperature
DNAgard® offers immediate stabilization of DNA from intact cells and tissues with the convenience of room temperature shipping, processing and storage. The liquid storage reagent rapidly permeates cell membranes to stabilize and protect genomic DNA.
  • DNAgard® Tissue Trial Kit
  • DNAgard® Tissue 100 mL bottle
  • DNAgard® Blood, 10mL bottle
  • DNAgard® Blood, 50mL bottle
  • DNAgard® Blood, 100mL bottle
 Preserve and Store RNA at Room Temperature
RNAstable® offers long-term preservation of purified total RNA, mRNA, miRNA, siRNA and poly(A) RNA samples at room temperature.
  • RNAstable® Trial Kit
  • RNAstable® Tube Kit
  • RNAstable® 96-Well Plate
  • RNAstable® LD (2mL)
 Preserve and Store Bacterial DNA
CloneStable® enables the long-term storage of unpurified bacterial plasmid and genomic DNA. DNA recovery is as simple as adding water.
  • CloneStable® Tube Kit

Don’t see what you are looking for? Custom stabilization services for molecular diagnostic assay and reagent manufacturers are available directly through Biomatrica.




Biomatrica® offers an innovative alternative to reliance on cold chain logistics

Biomatrica products enable researchers in academia, pharmaceutical drug development, and molecular diagnostics to stabilize ship and store biological samples for long periods of time with complete and rapid sample recovery, all at very affordable costs. Its SampleMatrix® proprietary core technology stabilizes and protects biological materials at room temperature without degradation.

Sigma Life Science is committed to bringing you Greener Alternative Products, which adhere to one or more of The 12 Principles of Greener Chemistry. This product was Designed for Energy Efficiency. To see how Stanford incorporated Biomatrica Technology and saved substantial amounts of energy, see their published study:

Biomatrica technology enables safe storage of biological material at room temperature.

Consistent sample maintenance allows for experimental reproducibility, and therefore ensures reliability, speeds time to results, greatly reduces costs, and is an environmentally sustainable alternative to all forms of cold storage. This technology can be applied to thousands of currently available products in the biotechnology, diagnostics and pharmaceutical industries, and has direct applications for billions of samples generated from genome mapping, and sample archiving used for research into personalized medicine and forensics.


 Stabilize and archive gDNA at Room Temperature
DNAstable® offers long-term preservation and stabilization of purified gDNA samples at room temperature in a dry-down matrix format. Available in single tubes, well plates (96 & 384) and tube-plates (96).
  • DNAstable® Trial Kit
  • DNAstable® Tube Kit
  • DNAstable® 96-Well Plate
  • DNAstable® Blood, trial kit
  • DNAstable® Blood LD, 10mL bottle
  • DNAstable® Blood LD, 100mL bottle
 Stabilize and archive gDNA at Room Temperature
Liquid-based preservative of purified gDNA with optional dry-down for longer storage time. Available as a liquid-based stabilizer in bottles (2ml & 10ml). Highly amenable to automation and high throughput workflows.
  • DNAstable® Plus 2 mL
  • DNAstable® Plus, 10mL bottle
 Collect, Ship and Store Tissues & Cells at Room Temperature
DNAgard® offers immediate stabilization of DNA from intact cells and tissues with the convenience of room temperature shipping, processing and storage. The liquid storage reagent rapidly permeates cell membranes to stabilize and protect genomic DNA.
  • DNAgard® Tissue Trial Kit
  • DNAgard® Tissue 100 mL bottle
  • DNAgard® Blood, 10mL bottle
  • DNAgard® Blood, 50mL bottle
  • DNAgard® Blood, 100mL bottle
 Preserve and Store RNA at Room Temperature
RNAstable® offers long-term preservation of purified total RNA, mRNA, miRNA, siRNA and poly(A) RNA samples at room temperature.
  • RNAstable® Trial Kit
  • RNAstable® Tube Kit
  • RNAstable® 96-Well Plate
  • RNAstable® LD (2mL)
 Preserve and Store Bacterial DNA
CloneStable® enables the long-term storage of unpurified bacterial plasmid and genomic DNA. DNA recovery is as simple as adding water.
  • CloneStable® Tube Kit

Don’t see what you are looking for? Custom stabilization services for molecular diagnostic assay and reagent manufacturers are available directly through Biomatrica.

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