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多价大肠杆菌3O86, O114, O125, O127, O128

  • 多价大肠杆菌3O86, O114, O125, O127, O128

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  • 型号 诊断血清
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  • 所在地 广州市

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更新时间:2018-03-21 16:30:29浏览次数:289



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多价大肠杆菌3O86, O114, O125, O127, O128:广州健仑生物科技有限公司提供各种血清套装,如需了解购买的可以。


多价大肠杆菌3O86, O114, O125, O127, O128



人大肠杆菌凝集血清 免疫检测产品


( MOB:杨永汉)  





大肠杆菌O26, O55, O111, O119, O126血清型

大肠杆菌O26, O55, O111, O119, O126血清型

多价大肠杆菌3O86, O114, O125, O127, O128




【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】    杨永汉

【腾讯  】 
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103



临床上见到的病例多为慢性期,患者的症状往往经过几年才逐渐出现,一般以消化系统的症状为主,疲乏、上腹不适、食欲不振、厌油腻、消化不良、腹痛、腹泻、肝区隐痛、头晕等较为常见。常见的体征有肝肿大,多在左叶,质软,有轻度压痛,脾肿大较少见。严重感染者伴有头晕、消瘦、浮肿和贫血等,在晚期可造成肝硬化、腹水,甚至死亡。儿童和青少年感染华支睾吸虫后,临床表现往往较重,死亡率较高。除消化道症状外,常有营养不良、贫血、低蛋白血症、浮肿、肝肿大和发育障碍,以至出现侏儒症。[6] 本病为传染病,患者或其配偶有不洁性接触史,或发病前在外住宿而患病。虱病的病原体是一种体外寄生虫——虱。虱体小,形如甲鱼,借助其大爪抓住毛干。以人的血液为营养,进食前的虱是灰白色,进食后变成铁锈色。宿主的体温适合虱生长。自然条件下,雌虱的平均寿命为35天。虱的幼虫和成虫都依靠吸人血为生,一天吸血4~5次。虱一般不离开毛部,只有当性交时虱才离开原宿主,传染于新的宿主。虱也同其他虱病一样,还可传播回归热及斑疹伤寒等传染病。临床表现患者或其配偶有不洁性接触史,或发病前在外住宿而患病。主要的发病部位在毛区和肛周附近,也可见于腋毛、胸毛区。常见的自觉症状为剧烈瘙痒,晚间为甚,主要局限于耻骨部,也可累及肛周、下腹部、腋部、睫毛及小腿,其配偶或性伴可有类似症状。可见毛上黏附有灰白色砂粒样颗粒(虱卵)和缓慢移动的虱,虱也可一半钻入皮内,一半露于皮外,皮损为抓痕及血痂,或散在片状蓝色出血瘀斑,常见于股内侧、下腹部和腰部。这是因为虱在吸血时,唾液进入血液而使血红蛋白变性所致。杀灭虱后,这种青色斑可持续存在数月之久。患者内裤上常有点状污褐色血迹,为虱吸血处出血所致,过度搔抓可继发毛炎、脓疱疮和疖细菌感染。检查本病特征有三:瘙痒、红疹、青色瘀斑。通常无需实验室检查,必要时可在显微镜或放大镜下发现虱成虫或虫卵,再进行辨认。
Most of the cases seen in the clinic are in the chronic phase. The symptoms of the patients often appear gradually after several years. Generally, the symptoms of the digestive system are mainly fatigue, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, tired of greasy, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, Liver area pain, dizziness, etc. are more common. Common signs of hepatomegaly, mostly in the left lobe, soft, with mild tenderness, splenomegaly less common. Severe infections are associated with dizziness, weight loss, edema, and anemia. They can cause liver cirrhosis, ascites, and even death in the late stages. After children and adolescents become infected with Clonorchis sinensis, their clinical manifestations tend to be heavier and the mortality rate is higher. In addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, malnutrition, anemia, hypoproteinemia, edema, hepatomegaly, and developmental disorders often lead to dwarfism. [6] The disease is an infectious disease. The patient or his/her spouse has a history of unclean contact, or is sick before living on the outside. The pathogen of rickets is an ectoparasite - ticks. The body is small and shaped like a soft-shelled turtle. It uses its large claws to grasp the hair shaft. Taking human blood as a nutrient, the crickets before eating are gray, and change into rust after eating. The host's body temperature is suitable for growth. Under natural conditions, the average life span of females is 35 days. The larvae and adults of crickets rely on human blood for a living and suck blood 4 to 5 times a day. Generally speaking, they do not leave their hair, but only when they have sex they leave the original host and infect the new host. As with other rickets, quails can also transmit infectious diseases such as relapsing fever and typhus. Patients with clinical manifestations or their spouses have a history of unclean contact, or suffer from illness prior to onset of illness. The main site of the disease is in the hair area and the perianal area, but also in the armpit hair and chest area. Common symptoms are severe pruritus, especially in the evening, mainly confined to the pubic bone, but also involved the perianal, lower abdomen, ankle, eyelashes and lower legs, their spouse or partner may have similar symptoms. Visible on the hair attached to gray sand-like particles (sac) and slowly moving maggots, quail can also be drilled into the skin half, half exposed outside the skin, the skin lesions are scratches and blood stasis, or scattered in a sheet of blue bleeding Freckles are common on the medial, lower abdomen and waist. This is because when the sputum sucks blood, saliva enters the blood and denatures hemoglobin. After the killing of cockroaches, this blue patch persists for several months. The patient's underwear often has brownish blood stains on the underpants, resulting in hemorrhage at the site of sucking blood. Excessive scratching can be secondary to inflammation of the genitals, impetigo, and sputum. There are three characteristics of the examination of the disease: itching, rash, blue blemish. Usually no laboratory tests are required. If necessary, adults or eggs can be spotted under a microscope or a magnifying glass before they are identified.


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