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  • 桑戈国际贸易(上海)有限公司
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  • 2021-02-08 13:46:25
  • 上海市
  • 美国
  • 352



品牌 其他品牌 供货周期 一周
应用领域 医疗卫生,环保,生物产业,石油
HTB-133 T-47D 人乳腺管癌细胞
ATCC® Number: HTB-133™
Designations: T-47D
Depositors: I Keydar
Biosafety Level: 1
Shipped: frozen
Medium & Serum: See Propagation
Growth Properties:


  HTB-133 T-47D 人乳腺管癌细胞

ATCC® Number:HTB-133™   
Depositors: I Keydar
Biosafety Level:1
Medium & Serum:See Propagation
Growth Properties:adherent
Organism:Homo sapiens (human)
HTB-133 T-47D 人乳腺管癌细胞
Source:Organ: mammary gland; breast 
Tissue: duct 
Disease: ductal carcinoma 
Derived from metastatic site: pleural effusion
Permits/Forms:In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
HTB-133 T-47D 人乳腺管癌细胞
Applications:transfection host (Nucleofection technology from Lonza
Roche FuGENE® Transfection Reagents)
Receptors:calcitonin, expressed 
androgen receptor, expressed 
estrogen receptor, expressed 
progesterone receptor, expressed 
glucocorticoid receptor, positive, expressed 
prolactin, expressed 
calcitonin; androgen receptor, positive; progesterone receptor, positive; glucocorticoid; prolactin; estrogen receptor, positive
DNA Profile (STR):Amelogenin: X 
CSF1PO: 11,13 
D13S317: 12 
D16S539: 10 
D5S818: 12 
D7S820: 11 
THO1: 6 
TPOX: 11 
vWA: 14
Cytogenetic Analysis:This is a hypotriploid human cell line. The modal chromosome number is 65 occurring at 50% and polyploidy at 0.8%. 18 marker chromosomes are common to most cells, of which 7 are paired and 11 are single-copied. The t(8q14q), t(9q17q), t(10q17p) are among 7 paired markers common to most cells. N7, N9, and N10 are absent and N11 is generally present in 4 copies. DM's occurred, but infrequently. Q-band examination did not show the presence of a Y chromosome.
Isoenzymes:AK-1, 1 
ES-D, 2 
G6PD, B 
GLO-I, 1-2 
PGM1, 1 
PGM3, 1
Age:54 years adult
Comments:The cells express the WNT7B oncogene [PubMed: 8168088]. 
The T-47 line was isolated by I. Keydar from a pleural effusion obtained from a 54 year old female patient with an infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast. 
This differentiated epithelial substrain (T-47D) was found to contain cytoplasmic junctions and receptors to 17 beta estradiol, other steroids and calcitonin.
Propagation:ATCC complete growth medium: The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated RPMI-1640 Medium, Catalog No. 30-2001. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: 0.2 Units/ml bovine insulin; fetal bovine serum to a final concentration of 10%.
Atmosphere: air, 95%; carbon dioxide (CO2), 5% 
Temperature: 37.0°C
  1. Remove and discard culture medium.
  2. Briefly rinse the cell layer with 0.25% (w/v) Trypsin- 0.53 mM EDTA solution to remove all traces of serum that contains trypsin inhibitor.
  3. Add 2.0 to 3.0 ml of Trypsin-EDTA solution to flask and observe cells under an inverted microscope until cell layer is dispersed (usually within 5 to 15 minutes).
    Note: To avoid clumping do not agitate the cells by hitting or shaking the flask while waiting for the cells to detach. Cells that are difficult to detach may be placed at 37°C to facilitate dispersal.
  4. Add 6.0 to 8.0 ml of complete growth medium and aspirate cells by gently pipetting.
  5. Add appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension to new culture vessels.
  6. Incubate cultures at 37°C.

Subc*tion Ratio: A subc*tion ratio of 1:3 to 1:5 is recommended 
Medium Renewal: 2 to 3 times per week
Preservation:Freeze medium: Complete growth medium supplemented with 5% (v/v) DMSO 
Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor phase
Doubling Time:32 hrs
Related Products:Recommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Medium):ATCC 30-2001
recommended serum:ATCC 30-2020
purified DNA:ATCC 45528
purified DNA:ATCC 45529
purified DNA:ATCC HTB-133D
purified RNA:ATCC HTB-133R
References:1120: Judge SM, Chatterton RT Jr.. Progesterone-specific stimulation of triglyceride biosynthesis in a breast cancer cell line (T-47D). Cancer Res. 43: 4407-4412, 1983. PubMed: 6871874
1122: Lamp SJ, et al. Calcitonin induction of a persistent activated state of adenylate cyclase in human breast cancer cells (T-47D). J. Biol. Chem. 256: 12269-12274, 1981. PubMed: 6271778
1123: Sher E, et al. Whole-cell uptake and nuclear localization of 1,25-dihydroxy-cholecalciferol by breast cancer cells (T-47D) in culture. Biochem. J. 200: 315-320, 1981. PubMed: 6896147
1124: Freake HC, et al. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 specifically binds to a human breast cancer cell line (T-47D) and stimulates growth. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 101: 1131-1138, 1981. PubMed: 6272774
23093: Faust JB, Meeker TC. Amplification and expression of the bcl-1 gene in human solid tumor cell lines. Cancer Res. 52: 2460-2463, 1992. PubMed: 1568216
23113: Huguet EL, et al. Differential expression of human Wnt genes 2, 3, 4, and 7B in human breast cell lines and normal and disease states of human breast tissue. Cancer Res. 54: 2615-2621, 1994. PubMed: 8168088
25065: Bellet D, et al. Malignant transformation of nontrophoblastic cells is associated with the expression of chorionic gonadotropin beta genes normally transcribed in trophoblastic cells. Cancer Res. 57: 516-523, 1997. PubMed: 9012484
32244: Hoppe HC, et al. Identification of phosphatidylinositol mannoside as a mycobacterial adhesin mediating both direct and opsonic binding to nonphagocytic mammalian cells. Infect. Immun. 65: 3896-3905, 1997. PubMed: 9284169
32915: Burfeind P, et al. Antisense RNA to the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor suppresses tumor growth and prevents invasion by rat prostate cancer cells in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 7263-7268, 1996. PubMed: 8692980
58052: Keydar I, et al. Establishment and characterization of a cell line of human breast carcinoma origin. Eur. J. Cancer 15: 659-670, 1979. PubMed:228940

HTB-133 T-47D 人乳腺管癌细胞

HTB-133 T-47D 人乳腺管癌细胞

HTB-133 T-47D 人乳腺管癌细胞

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