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burkert TCQ001宝德流量开关英文资料

来源:上海国与自动化设备有限公司   2016年07月29日 13:55  

burkert TCQ001宝德流量开关英文资料

burkert TCQ001 Flow control switch, is suitable for the dynamic contact as a liquid or normally open contacts. Through a reed contact trigger switching process. The flow of medium will move a magnet on the rocker arm.burkert TCQ001 Switch point is adjustable. Flow control switch can also work under harsh conditions and ensure the function, burkert TCQ001and the pressure loss is small. Switching process can be well again.

burkert TCQ001宝德流量开关英文资料

suitable for wall installation. This switch is used to measure a clean, neutral or corrosive liquid. Using switch output, burkert TCQ001宝德流量开关can directly control valve, resulting in monitoring system of the internal set up a simple two point adjusting circuit. Direct regulation switch through three key points on the screen, or in the 8032 version of the compact, also can choose from the outside through a standard 4-20 mA signal input regulation switch point.burkert TCQ001宝德流量开关 Compact version of the switch output with a free programming (the transistor or relay), external rating input or 4-20 mA value output process. 

burkert TCQ001宝德流量开关英文资料


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