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单 LixFePO4 微晶的红外近场光谱学和成像

来源:科艺仪器有限公司   2015年07月22日 16:41  

Daylight公司:IR Near-Field Spectroscopy and Imaging of Single LixFePO4 Microcrystals Nanoscale chemical imaging combines the resolution of AFM instruments with spectroscopy from a tunable laser to collect spectral information at
20 nm resolution. In the latest example, infrared near-field nanoscopy has been used by researchers at University of California, San Diego to create a quantitative three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of the phase distribution within a single microcrystal. LixFePO4 is a positive electrode material for Li-ion batteries, and this information provides new insight into the phase transformation and relaxation mechanism of the delithiation process, which ultimay could yield improved charging performance of Li-ion batteries.

For those attending the upcoming ICAVS conference in Vienna, please register for the FREE Workshop: Real-Time Chemical Imaging with Spero, the World's First Laser-Based IR Microscope. Join the Daylight Solutions team to see how you can use the game-changing real-time discrete frequency imaging capabilities of Spero for rapid chemical identification of biomedical, pharmaceutical, and materials research samples. The workshop will include a live demo of the Spero microscope and will be held Sunday, July 12th from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. 



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