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多功能低温试验器 出口石油仪器 羽通制造

来源:上海羽通仪器仪表厂   2015年04月17日 10:55  

品牌:羽通仪器 ;型号:Multi-functional Low Temperatu ;加工定制:否 ;外形尺寸:650*450*520 mm;重量:45 ㎏;用途:物质低温性能的测定仪器

Brief Introduction: 

Model YT-510E Multi-functional Low Temperature Tester is designed according to GB/T510 <>, adopting latest technology and configuration. Equipped with related accessory, it also conforms to GB/T3535<>, GB/T6986<>, SH/T0248<>.


1. Total stainless steel, LCD display, two isothermal baths

2. Adopting unique special technology, no cooling liquid, high speed refrigerating, low noise, slight shake, high efficiency, eliminating the influence by machine to the utmost, temperature controlling accuracy is less than±0.3℃

3. Bench-top configuration, delicate design, easy operation, complete sets of parts, it can also used to test cold filter plugging point, pour point or cloud point if equipped with related accessories.

Technical Specifications:

1. Power Supply: AC 220V±10%;50Hz

2. Thermostatic bath: double grooves, two isothermal baths in each groove

3. Temperature range: -40℃ - RT(different temperatures could be set for each groove for pour point test)

4. Temperature Control Accuracy: ±0.3℃

5. Refrigeration System: new advanced refrigerating compressor

6. Ambient Temperature: ≤30℃

7. Relative Humidity: ≤85%

8. Overall Power Consumption: ≤1200W



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