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来源:青岛国瑞力恒环保科技有限公司   2023年11月17日 11:00  



1.Product Presentation GR2015 Environment Air Infrared Gas Analyzers (hereinafter referred to as the analyzer) is the  company's high-precision instrument for the inspection of toxic and harmful substances in the  air in public places and workplaces. The instrument uses non-spectral infrared  analysis/non-dispersive infrared method (NDIR) to measure the concentration of carbon  monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air, with high measurement accuracy. Long service life,  small cross interference and other advantages, it is an essential instrument in the field of  environmental monitoring and occupational health monitoring.

2.Range Of Application The analyzer is widely used in environmental protection, environmental supervision, health  supervision, occupational health, disease control and scientific research institutes. 3.Technology Standard JJG635-2011 Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide infrared Gas Analyzer HJ965-2018 Automatic determination of carbon monoxide in ambient air by  non-dispersive infrared method GB/T18204.2-2014 Methods of health inspection in public places - Part 2:  chemical contaminants GBZ/T 300.37-2017 Determination of toxic substances in workplace air - Part 37:  carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide GB 9801-1988 Air quality-determination of carbon monoxide by non-dispersive  infrared method GB/T 18204.23-2000 Method for determination of carbon monoxide in the air of  public places GB/T 18204.24-2000 Method for determination of carbon dioxide in the air of  public places


1.Product Presentation GR2015 Environment Air Infrared Gas Analyzers (hereinafter referred to as the analyzer) is the  company's high-precision instrument for the inspection of toxic and harmful substances in the  air in public places and workplaces. The instrument uses non-spectral infrared  analysis/non-dispersive infrared method (NDIR) to measure the concentration of carbon  monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air, with high measurement accuracy. Long service life,  small cross interference and other advantages, it is an essential instrument in the field of  environmental monitoring and occupational health monitoring.

2.Range Of Application The analyzer is widely used in environmental protection, environmental supervision, health  supervision, occupational health, disease control and scientific research institutes. 3.Technology Standard JJG635-2011 Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide infrared Gas Analyzer HJ965-2018 Automatic determination of carbon monoxide in ambient air by  non-dispersive infrared method GB/T18204.2-2014 Methods of health inspection in public places - Part 2:  chemical contaminants GBZ/T 300.37-2017 Determination of toxic substances in workplace air - Part 37:  carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide GB 9801-1988 Air quality-determination of carbon monoxide by non-dispersive  infrared method GB/T 18204.23-2000 Method for determination of carbon monoxide in the air of  public places GB/T 18204.24-2000 Method for determination of carbon dioxide in the air of  public places


2. 适用范围

固定污染源废气 红外CO2检测仪本仪器被广泛应用于环保、环监、卫生监督、职业卫生、疾病控制和科研院所。


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