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Cell stretching systems : Cyclic stretching helps cells grow

来源:东地(北京)科技有限公司   2023年02月09日 15:04  


Mechanical stretching is experienced ubiquitously by human tissues and their constituent cells and impacts biochemical and (mechano)biological processes relevant to health and disease. Numerous cell-stretching systems (CSSs) have been developed and used to apply mechanical strain to cells and tissues in in-vitro settings.

Mammalian cells in-vivo are constantly sensing and responding to the mechanical forces originating from adjacent cells, their environment, and to the changing properties of their extracellular matrix (ECM). Many physiological functions such as breathing, digestion, muscle contraction, heartbeat, and brain development entail cells being constantly stretched and/or compressed.

A central element in these processes is the ability of cells to sense these mechanical forces (mechanosensing) and transduce mechanical information as a response (mechanotransduction).


Since mechanical stretch (MS) is ubiquitous in tissues and constituent cells, it is critical to account for it during experimentation in-vitro. To uncover the spatiotemporal alterations that occur at the cellular and molecular scale during MS, CSSs are utilized that allow application of MS to multicellular assemblies.

CSSs for the study of biological responses of multicellular assemblies to MS have been used in research laboratories for decades.

Depending on the biological questions posed, several parameters need to be considered in terms of CSS design, capabilities, and automation, including: (i) compatibility with high-resolution live-cell imaging modalities; (ii) compatibility with specific assays; (iii) compatibility with (bio)mechanical characterization methods; (iv) biomimetic abilities; and (v) possibility of simultaneously integrating other physical cues.

CELL&FORCE offers three main CSSs: devices that allow high-throughput long-term uniaxial (CellTank) or biaxial (Biaxialler) stretching and devices that are microscope-mountable for live-cell imaging (Beatle).

● Max velocity up to 30 mm/s

● Frequency ranges from 0.01-5 Hz

● Ability to program multiple frequency, amplitude and wave changes

● Waveforms available: Static/Sinusoidal/Triangular/Square Heart wave and custom


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