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来源:北京诺博莱德科技有限公司   2021年04月15日 10:38  

伯乐Bio-Rad1703939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil,带平板电极和过冷线圈的转印槽



伯乐Bio-Rad1703939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil,带平板电极和过冷线圈的转印槽,产品简介:



英文名称:Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil



伯乐Bio-Rad1703939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil,带平板电极和过冷线圈的转印槽,产品说明:

Transfer cell and cooling coil (#170-3912), includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with cables, foam pads, 1 pack blot paper (15 x 20 cm)

转移池和冷却盘管(#170-3912),包括2个凝胶盒、缓冲罐、带电缆的盖子、泡沫垫、1包吸水纸(15 x 20 cm)

The Trans-Blot® transfer cell is a versatile apparatus ideal for a wide variety of blotting applications. It is capable of multiple transfers that accommodate up to 3 PROTEAN II xi gels, 6 Criterion gels, or 12 Mini-PROTEAN precast or handcast gels. The cell accommodates two color-coded cassettes to ensure proper orientation in the cell. The Trans-Blot transfer cell includes a buffer tank with plate electrodes, lid with power cables, two gel holder cassettes, one pack of precut absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm), four foam pads, and a super cooling coil (catalog #170-3912).

Trans-Blot®转移细胞是一种多功能仪器,适用于各种各样的印迹应用。它能够多重传输,最多可容纳3个蛋白聚糖II席凝胶,6个标准凝胶,或12个微型蛋白预制或手工铸造凝胶。细胞容纳两个彩色编码盒,以确保正确的方向在细胞。Trans-Blot转移池包括一个带平板电极的缓冲罐、带电源电缆的盖子、两个凝胶固定盒、一包预切吸收性滤纸(15 x 20 cm)、四个泡沫垫和一个过冷盘管(目录#170-3912)。



  1. 可同时转印12块小胶或者6块中型胶;
  2. 可根据您需求选择快速、高效的板式电极或者经济型的铂金丝电极;
  3. 通过特级冷却芯和循环冷却装置来调节温度;
  4. 带铰链的凝胶支架转印夹能避免滑动,确保凝胶与印迹腹间的紧密接触;
  5. 每个转印夹都有颜色标记以保证在转印槽中的正确定位。

16x 20 cm


3-4 L

  1. 块PROTEANOIxi手灌胶、6块Criterion"预制胶、12 块Mini-手灌胶、12块Mini-PROTEANS预制胶或12块Ready GelP预制胶
  • 电泳仪

18x9.5x24 cm



伯乐Bio-Rad1703939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil,带平板电极和过冷线圈的反式杂交细胞,产品订购信息:

伯乐Bio-Rad1703939 Tians-Blot Cel with Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil

伯乐Bio-Rad1703853 Thans-Blot Cel with Plate Electrodes, Super Cooling Coil, and PowerPac HC Power Supply,

伯乐Bio-Rad1703946 Thans-Blot Col with Plate Eectrodes

伯乐Bio-Rad1703850 Thans-Blot Col with Plate Eectrodes and PowerPac HC Power Supply

伯乐Bio-Rad 1703910 Trans-Blot Cel with Wire Eectrodes

伯乐Bio-Rad1703825 Trans-Blot Cell with Wire Electrodes and ! PowerPac HC Power Supply


伯乐Bio-Rad1703914 Foam Pads 15.5x20.5cm 6

伯乐Bio-Rad1703956Thick Blot Paper

伯乐Bio-Rad1703960 Exta Thick Biot Paper 15x20cm 30 heets

伯乐Bio-Rad1703943 Trans-Biot Platinum Anode Plate Electrode

伯乐Bio-Rad1703944 Trans Biot Stainless Steel Cathode Plate Electrode

伯乐Bio-Rad1703945 Thans Bloat Plate Electrode Pair

伯乐Bio-Rad1703920 Trans-Biot Standard Wire Electrode Card

伯乐Bio-Rad1703921 Trans-Biot Standard Wire Electrode Card.

伯乐Bio-Rad1703912 Super Cooling Coil

伯乐Bio-Rad1703913 Gel Holder Cassette

伯乐Bio-Rad1703922 Trans-Biot Cell Buffer Tank

伯乐Bio-Rad1703923 Trans-Blot Cell Lid with Power Cables


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