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ibc totes

来源:鑫选包装容器(上海)有限公司   2018年04月02日 08:52  

Intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), Totes and Tanks are ideal for storing and transporting products such as liquids, solvents, or granulate substances (food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.) in large quantities. These industrial containers are also stackable and their bulk packaging capability allow it to be a low-cost solution for shipping products. The capacity of an IBC Tote Tank ranges from 180 to 550 gallons depending on its type, with the most popular size being the 275 gallon tote. Types of IBCs include plastic IBC totes, stainless steel IBC tanks, and carbon steel IBC tanks. The Cary Company also offers various IBC and Tote accessories such as valves, funnels, mixers, nozzle kits, and more.

Product Sourcing - Can't find the specific intermediate bulk container you need? We can help! Send me a :ibc1000@139.com,We 'll get back to you.


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