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进口Digi-Sense 12通道温度数据记录仪/温度计

来源:上海涸宇机电科技有限公司   2017年09月13日 16:12  

The desktop data logger is a 12 channel thermocouple instrument with full color LCD display. All 12 channels are easily viewed from one screen. Each channel can be configure to either J, K and T type thermocouples. Alarm conditions can be configured for each channel. An alarm output is available for driving a 24volt, 1A load. Data points can be stored in the devices memory and ex-ported to a USB stick for download in CSV format. Includes DAQ software for real-time visual dis-
play of all channels. The control is supplied with a grid-mounting clamp on back.

Check individual parts against the list of items below. If anything is missing or damaged,
please contact your instrument supplier immediay.
1. 12-Channel Monitoring Device
2. Grid support bracket (attached to the back of the controller)
3. 5ft. (1.5m) detachable AC to 12V DC power pack.
4. 4GB USB Stick
5. Smaller cable holders.

Initial Setup
• Install 12-channel device in safe operating area.
• Connect the thermocouple sensor(s) to the thermocouple input connector(s) located on the bottom of the front panel. All ports do not have to be filled.
• Plug the supplied AC to DC power pack into the connector on the back panel of the device.



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