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世联博研(北京)科技有限公司>>流感a+b检测分析仪和芯片>>流感a+b检测分析仪和芯片( FluChip-8G Influenza A+B Assay)>>FluChip-8Gfluchip-8g流感a+b芯片检测分析仪


  • fluchip-8g流感a+b芯片检测分析仪

参考价 面议
  • 型号 FluChip-8G
  • 品牌 其他品牌
  • 厂商性质 代理商
  • 所在地 北京市

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更新时间:2019-10-06 22:20:49浏览次数:350



产地类别 进口 应用领域 医疗卫生,生物产业



fluchip-8g流感a+b检测是一种用于流感病毒定性检测和鉴别的高信息含量分子检测方法。多路复用系统利用专有的通用扩增技术、高信息含量的DNA微阵列和强大的机器学习算法,通过直观、易于使用的界面,自动分析数据,识别人类临床样本中的甲型和乙型流感病毒。fluchip-8g分析具有成本效益高的同一天周转时间,自动化解释消除了专家驱动数据分析的需要,有助于加强流感检测、监测和大流行防备。    fluchip-8g融合了测序信息的许多优点、rt-pcr的易用性和快速免疫分析数据解释的简单性。




nDevR’s FluChip-8G Influenza A+B Assay represents a progressive shift away from the ‘single bit’ information offered by typical real-time RT-PCR-based assays by providing a highly multiplexed molecular assay with automated data interpretation. Unlike next generation sequencing technologies that often require significant bioinformatics expertise to analyze sequence data, the FluChip-8G assay provides immediate, clearly defined results to the user.

The heart of the FluChip-8G Influenza A+B assay is a high information content DNA microarray. The assay uses highly conserved primers to amplify whole gene segments for HA, NA, M, NS, and NP of influenza A viruses as well as the HA and NA gene segments of influenza B viruses. Amplified material is then hybridized to a DNA microarray designed to detect and discriminate influenza A and B viruses, after which the microarray is labeled, imaged, and analyzed by a machine learning algorithm trained to identify the signal pattern of specific target virus groups, namely seasonal influenza A/H1N1pdm2009, A/H3N2, B/Yamagata, B/Victoria, as well as “non-seasonal” influenza A (defined as influenza A subtypes other than A/H1N1pdm2009 and A/H3N2). The end user is provided with the results in a simple report.

In a single test, FluChip-8G provides the end user with positive identification of both seasonal viruses as well as a wide range of influenza A viruses other than the typical circulating annual strains. A single user can process up to 48 assays at a time in a single workday.

The FluChip-8G Influenza A+B Assay software consists of an intuitive user interface on the front end, and seamless control of the accompanying fluorescence imaging system combined with a powerful microarray data analysis algorithm behind the scenes. 

Either manually or using a barcode scanner, the user first enters names and chooses sample types for each sample to be analyzed. The user then clicks to scan the microarray, and waits a few minutes until the scan is complete and the software automatically identifies the location of the spots on each array, analyzes the fluorescence intensities of all controls and microarray capture sequences, and displays the result obtained for each sample analyzed in the form of a straightforward printable PDF report. Importantly, the software also produces an audit trail of important software events and allows electronic signatures to enable adherence to 21 CFR part 11 and Annex 11.


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