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北京天利生物技术公司目前开展的业务有: 1.客户多肽合成 可根据客户的需要,合成毫克级、克级、公斤级的不同纯度的多肽。 2.多肽合成所需的相关原料和主要试剂生产加工 主要有各种保护氨基酸、氨基酸树脂、多肽合成树脂及多肽中间体等原料和试剂。可按照 客户的需要进行包装。 3.多肽原料或对照品委托订制 可提供胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1、胰高血糖素、生长抑素、奥曲肽、降钙素、亮丙瑞林、干扰素原液、蛇毒原液、水蛭素原液、等肽类产品的原料或标准品,也可根据客户需求合成国内外已知序列的肽类原料或标准品。 4.多肽合成、纯化的技术咨询 公司凭借雄厚的技术实力、高素质的专业人才和崇高的敬业精神,为客户解答有关多肽合 成的各种疑难问题。 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。 现*胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1 98% 纯品 其它产品: 珍珠水解液、超细珍珠粉、丝肽粉、丝肽液、丝氨基酸、胎盘液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白粉、鱼蛋白粉、卵蛋白粉、羊胎(盘)素冻干粉 、多种优质蛇毒冻干晶体、甲状腺激素、斑蝰蛇蛇毒、中亚产蛇毒(医用)、蛇胆浸膏、牛黄提取物、硫酸软骨素 、多烯鱼油、蛙油、溶菌酶Lysozyme、溶菌酶Lysozyme、透明质酸、水溶性四元氨基高聚糖、肝素钠、甘露醇、海藻酸钠、、纤维素酶、果胶酶、淀粉酶、蛋白酶、CTP胞嘧啶、GTP 脲嘧啶、 激素类系列 产品名称 含量 1 4-雄烯二酮 99% 2 孕烯醇酮 99% 3 5-雄烯二醇 99% 4 黄体酮 99% 5 去氢表雄酮 99% 孕酮 乳酸及其化合物 乳酸 缓冲乳酸 乳酸粉 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;乳酸钠 乳酸钠粉 乳酸钾 乳酸铵 乳酸钙 乳酸铝 乳酸铁 乳酸镁 乳酸锰 乳酸锌 乳酸甲酯 乳酸乙酯 乳酸异丙酯 乳酸丙酯 乳酸丁酯 乳酸辛酯 乙交酯 丙交酯 聚乙交酯 聚丙交酯 乙交酯/丙交酯共聚物 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;乳糖醇 乳糖醇混合物 罗格列酮中间体 盐酸吡格列酮 、新氟喹诺酮 3,5-二甲氧基-1-吲酮 5,6-Dimethoxy-1-indanone 多奈哌齐中间体 对甲氧基苯乙腈 4-Methoxyphenylacetonitrile 2,4-噻唑烷二酮 2,4-Thiazolidinedione 5-溴吲哚 5-Bromoindole 5-氰基吲哚 5-Cyanoindole 5-硝基吲哚 5-Nitroindole 5-氟吲哚 5-Fluoroindole 3-吲哚甲酸 Indole-3-carboxylic 对甲氧基苯甲醇(大茴香醇) 4-Methoxybenzyl alcohol 4”-甲基-2-氰基联苯 4”-Methyl-2-cyano-biphenyl 2-吡啶甲醛 2-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 3-吡啶甲醛 3-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 4-吡啶甲醛 4-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 2-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 2-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 3-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 3-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 4-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 4-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 9-芴甲醇 9-Fluorenylmethanol 5,5-二甲基海因 99% 杀毒剂、防腐剂合成原料 1,3-二氯-5.5-二甲基海因 65% 消毒剂、游泳池及工业水系统 1,3-二溴-5,5-二甲基海因 98% 消毒剂及制药工业特殊溴化剂 1-溴-3-氯-5,5-二甲基海因 92-95% 消毒剂、游泳池及工业水系统 1,3-二羟甲基-5,5-二甲基海因(DMDMH) 55-95% 洗发香波、护发素、化妆品杀菌防腐剂 氯雷他定、 1-羟甲基-5,5-二甲基海因 55-95% 洗发香波、护发素、化妆品杀菌防腐剂 1,5,5-*基海因 98% 医药有机合成中间体 海因 98% 有机合成原料 1-氨基海因 98% 有机合成原料 N-苄基海因 98% 医药中间体 1-苄基-5-乙氧基海因 98% 制药、感光材料、杀虫剂、氨基酸合成原料 1-氨基海因盐酸盐 98% 治疗尿路感染中间体 1,3-二(1-羟基-戊醛基)-5,5-二甲基海因 98% 化妆品、食品、医疗器械、工农产品消毒 丙酰氯 99% 农药、医药及反应中间体 N-甲基苄胺 98% 医药、染料有机合成原料 2-溴丙酸甲脂 98% 有机合成原料、医药中间体 2-溴丙酸 98% 医药反应中间体 对溴苯酚 99% 有机合成反应中间体 2.4.6-三溴苯胺 99% 医药反应中间体、农业化学及阻燃剂 对溴苯甲醚 对溴苯乙醚 98% 有机全成原料 二苯乙酮 98% 医药有机合成原料 2-溴化苄 98% 有机合成,也是发泡剂的原料 碘苯 98% 有机合成,也是一种通用试剂,可用作折射率标准液 对溴甲苯 99% 有机合成染料 苯乙酸甲酯 99% 有机合成中间体和香料 苯乙酸乙酯 99% 香料和医药原料 2,2-二溴-3氮川丙酰胺 98% 杀菌灭藻剂及工业水系统 a-溴肉桂醛 98% 有机合成原料 2-溴丙酰溴 98% 医药中间体 2,3-二溴丙睛 98% 有机合成原料 2,3-二溴-1-丙醇 98% 有机合成及阻燃剂 2-溴己酸 98% 有机合成中间体 4,4-二溴二苯醚 98% 医药、染料中间体 a-溴乙酸乙酯 98% 医药有机合成中间体 a-溴代异戊酸乙酯 98% 农药、医药反应中间体 2,3-二溴丙酰氯 98% 医药、染料中间体 2,3-二氯丙睛 98% 医药、染料中间体 2-氨基-5-甲基噻唑 99% 治疗类风湿病-美洛西康中间体 肾上腺皮质激素 糖皮质激素 甲状腺素T4 促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 阿黑皮素原(POMC) 促脂解激素(LPH) 生长素(HGH);胰岛素样生长因子(IGF) 催乳素(PRL) 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG);马促性腺激素(PMSG) 人促卵泡激素(hFSH) 降钙素(CT) 黄体生成素(LH) 血管紧张素 (AT) 雌二醇 E2 睾丸酮 孕酮 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; L-丙氨酸、L-缬氨酸、L-亮氨酸、L-异亮氨酸、L-丝氨酸、 L-苏氨酸、L-天门冬氨酸、L-谷氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-赖氨酸、 L-组氨酸、L-半胱氨酸、L-胱氨酸、L-甲硫氨酸、L-苯丙氨酸、 L-酪氨酸、L-色氨酸、L-脯氨酸、L-羟脯氨酸、L-鸟氨酸、甘氨酸等; DL-丙氨酸、DL-缬氨酸、DL-亮氨酸、DL-异亮氨酸、DL-丝氨酸、DL-苏氨酸、DL-谷氨酸、DL-丙氨酸、DL-蛋氨酸 DL-酪氨酸、DL-色氨酸、DL-甲硫氨酸、DL-苯丙氨酸、DL-天门冬氨酸、DL-精氨酸、L-苯丙氨酸 组氨酸 、异亮氨酸 、亮氨酸 、赖氨酸 、蛋氨酸、胱氨酸、苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸 苏氨酸 、色氨酸 、缬氨酸 、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、精氨酸、丝氨酸、牛磺酸、左旋多巴、聚赖氨酸 甘氨酸  ≥98.5%工业级 25KGS复合袋 纸箱 纸桶0.5mt/1mt集装袋 ≥98.5%饲料级 ≥99%食品级 99%-101.5%医药级 甘氨酸(全封闭) 99%-101.5%医药级(全封闭) 甘氨酸乙酯盐酸盐  ≥98.5% 25KGS复合袋 纸箱 甘氨酸钠  ≥98.5% 25KGS纸桶 甘氨酸铝  ≥98.5% 25KGS纸桶 亚氨基二乙酸盐酸盐 ≥97% 25KGS纸桶 亚氨基二乙酸二钠盐 ≥90% 25KGS纸桶 马尿酸(N-苯甲酰甘氨酸) ≥99% 25KGS复合袋 甘氨酸甲酯盐酸盐 ≥98.5% 20KGS复合袋、纸桶 海因 ≥99.0% 25KGS复合袋、纸桶 1-苄基-5-乙氧基海因 ≥98.0% 25KGS复合袋、纸桶 普伐他汀钠 美伐他汀 D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID 阿昔洛韦 Acyclovir Gp2000版 更昔洛韦 Ganciclovir 含量98%以上 法昔洛韦 Famacilovir 企标 青蒿素(Artemisinin) 蒿甲醚 L-Cystine L-Arginine.HCL L-Leucine L-Tyrosine L-Cysteine Hydrochloride onohydrate L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Anhydrous L-抗坏血酸多聚磷酸酯(LAPP) 甘氨酸、DL-丙氨酸、DL-蛋氨酸、牛磺酸等; 木糖醇、木糖醇DC、D-木糖乳糖、乳糖醇、山梨醇 维生素VB1、VC、VE、烟酸、烟酰胺、维生素B(B1、B2、B6、B12) 双甘氨肽、羟苯磺酸钙、肌醇 葡萄糖酸葡醛内酯、无水柠檬酸 琥珀酸一钠、琥珀酸二钠 蛋氨酸硒、(硒、铁、铜、锌、锰等氨基酸螯合物) 青霉素 苄星青霉素 苯唑西林 氯唑西林 阿莫西林 氨苄西林 羧苄西林 呋布西林 哌拉西林 氟氯西林 美西林 美洛西林 阿奇霉素 林可霉素 克林霉素 粘菌素 多粘菌素B 万古霉素 杆菌肽 纳他霉素 红曲红色素 卡茚西林 头孢噻吩 头孢噻啶 头孢氨苄 头孢唑啉 头孢拉定 头孢孟多 头孢呋辛 头孢呋肟酯 头孢噻肟 头孢哌酮 头孢曲松 头孢他定 头孢克洛 头孢唑肟 头孢甲肟 头孢西丁 氨曲南 舒巴坦 克拉维酸 红霉素 麦迪霉素 螺旋霉素 乙酰螺旋霉素 克拉霉素 罗红霉素 交沙霉素 链霉素 卡那霉素 庆大霉素 奈替米星 新霉素 阿米卡星 西索米星 小诺米星 大观霉素 核糖霉素 乙酰螺旋霉素、 柱晶白霉素、利福霉素 氟喹诺酮 辛可宁 秋水仙胺 秋水仙碱 金雀花碱 毛地黄皂苷 毛地黄毒苷 地谷新 芦竹碱 防己苦霉素 奎尼丁硫酸盐 奎宁 奎宁盐酸盐 奎宁硫酸盐 利福平 利血平 番茄苷 藜芦碱 藜芦碱硫酸盐 放线菌素C 放线菌素D 醛固酮 两性霉素B 氨苄青霉素 氨苄青霉素钠 羧苄青霉素二钠 顺式雄酮 抗霉素A 卵白素 皮质甾酮 氯霉素 可的松 乙酸可的松 松胞素A 松胞素B 松胞素C 松胞素D 松胞素E 脱氢异雄甾酮 乙酸脱氢异雄甾酮 7-脱氢胆甾醇 脱氢可的松 乙酸脱氢可的松 脱氧皮质甾酮 乙酸脱氧皮质甾酮 双烯雌酚 二乙酸双烯雌酚 红霉素 β-雌二醇 17β-雌二醇 雌三醇 雌三醇-3-甲醚 雌酮 雌酮-3-甲醚 己烯雌酚四烯雌酮 己雌酚 氢化可的松 脱氢可的松 乙酸氢化可的松 胰岛素 硫酸庆大霉素 硫酸卡那霉素 羊毛甾醇 甲基雄甾烯二醇 甲基睾甾酮 光神霉素 丝裂霉素C 硫酸新霉素 寡霉素 孕三醇 孕烯醇酮 黄体酮 嘌呤霉素二盐酸 超级氨苄青霉素 多黏菌素B β-谷甾醇β 硫酸链霉素 链脲佐菌素 二丙酸己烯雌酚 加溶两性霉素 睾酮 毒毛旋花苷-G 丙酸睾酮 链霉亲和素 缬氨霉素 盐酸万古霉素 盐酸四环素 氨基核苷嘌呤霉素 氯雷他定、*、力肽、盐酸匹格列酮、N(2)-L-丙氨酰-L-谷氨酰胺、乙酰谷酰胺、 降糖系列 格列美脲 ≥99% 1kg/铝桶 那格列奈 ≥99.0% 1kg/铝桶 依帕司他 ≥99% 1kg/铝塑袋 医药中间体 3-乙基- 4-甲基-2-氧代-吡咯-2-酮 ≥99% 1kg/铝桶 5kg或10kg/纸板桶 N-[4-[2-(3-乙基- 4-甲基-2-氧代-3-吡咯啉-1-羧酰基)乙基]苯磺酰胺 ≥99% 1kg/铝桶 反式-4-甲基-环己胺 含量≥98% 顺式≤1% 1kg或5kg/氟塑桶 反式异氰酸酯 ≥97.0% 1kg/铝桶 5kg或10kg/氟塑桶 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;烷基糖苷类乳化剂、保湿剂,磷酸 酯类温和表面活性剂。*。还有护肤、洁面、浴露、香波 等产品基料、半成品、产品品种包括:乳化剂、表面活性剂、润肤剂、防晒剂、天然提取物、香精香料、精油 美白剂、发用调理剂、杀菌剂、防腐剂、增稠剂、柔软剂、纺织前处理剂、后整理剂 固色剂、消泡剂、硅油、脂肪醇、脂肪酸、工业溶剂 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; Cropepsol 30, 50 水解胶原蛋白溶液 分子量=1000 (Mc) 清亮琥珀色液体 (含量越低,粘度越大) Croda 25kg/桶 CTAB, 十六烷基*基溴化铵,溴化十六烷基*基铵 CTAB 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 天然 樟脑酸 苯基*基溴化铵 间氨基苯甲醚 间硝基苯甲醚 间氨基苯乙醚 甲基氯化吡啶 乙基氯化吡啶 4,-甲基丁基氯化吡啶 丁基氯化吡啶 十二烷基氯化吡啶 十二烷基溴化吡啶 十四烷基氯化吡啶 十四烷基溴化吡啶 溴化十六烷基吡啶 氯化十六烷基吡啶(西吡氯胺CPC) 氯乙啶;醋酸氯乙啶 CTAB 溴化十六烷基*基胺 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr Collasol 1%, 3% 可溶性胶原蛋白溶液 分子量=300,000 (Mw/Mn) 白色锭剂 Croda 25kg/桶 Crotein Q *基季铵化水解胶原蛋白 分子量=12,000 (Mc) 灰白色粉末 Croda 25kg/桶厂家*:胶原蛋白;透明质酸HA;燕麦蛋白 ;羊胎素;鹿胎素,牛初乳粉,红景天,表皮激活因子EGF、α-干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶;免疫多糖细胞激活剂;氨基酸保湿因子;芦酊(芦丁);人参皂甙;卡波981胶;曲酸二棕榈酸酯;熊果苷;甘草酸二钾;甘草黄酮;核酸;CM-Glucan免疫多糖激活剂;甲壳素多糖衍生物; 3-氨基丙醇磷酸酯(APPA)促进皮肤成纤维细胞的剥离增值作用,有利于表皮的新陈代谢,促进胶原蛋白合成。壬二酸衍生物(K-ADG)调节油性和粉刺性皮肤的油脂分泌,有利于根本上抑制和消除粉刺,传统美白祛斑产品,竞争性抑制酪氨酸酶,方便使用,极小刺激和过敏作用。二棕榈酰羟脯氨酸(DPHP)抗皱、紧肤、抗衰老保护弹性蛋白,DPHP比维C抑制弹性蛋白酶的活性更强,刺激胶原纤维的收缩,活性明显强于维C,清除自由基,活性基本上与维C相当。曲酸氨基丙醇磷酸酯(K-APPA)改性后溶于水,稳定不变色,适用于更多的美白祛斑剂型. inositol纤维醇,nicotinate尼克酸,glucosamine氨基葡萄糖,grapeseed葡萄籽提取物,greentea绿茶提取物,siberrian-ginseng人参提取物,lipoicacid硫辛酸,chondrolntin sulphatc硫酸软骨素,谷氨酰胺; 赤 藓 糖 醇.

阿昔洛韦 Acyclovir Gp2000版 更昔洛韦 Ganciclovir 含量98%以上 法昔洛韦 Famacilovir 企标 青蒿素(Artemisinin) 蒿甲醚 普伐他丁钠(pravastatin sodium);pravastatinsodium 丙酸倍氯米松(Beclovent) 奥美拉唑(Prilosec) 依那普利(Vasotec) 法莫替丁(Pepcid) 头孢呋新酯(Ceftin) 伊曲康唑(Sporanox) 洛伐他汀(Mevacor) 赖诺普利(Prinivil) 羟氨苄青霉素(Augementin) 他莫昔芬(Vovladex) 亚胺培南-西拉司丁钠(Primaxin) 尼扎替丁(Axid) 环丙氟哌酸(Cipro) 炔雌醚(Ortho-Novum) 氯雷他定(Claritin) 氟康唑(Diflucan) 辛伐他汀(Zocor) 甲红霉素(Biaxin) 普伐他汀(Pravachol) 头孢三嗪(Recefin) 阿齐霉素(Zithromax) 昂丹司琼(Zofran) 舒马曲坦(Imitrex) 西沙必利(Propulsid) 瑞司哌酮(Rispreidal) 盐酸地拉普利(Delapril Hydrochloride)  奥曲肽(Octreotide)   头孢克肟(Cefixime)            舒马坦琥珀酸盐(Suma-triptan)  雷诺格拉斯蒂姆(Lenog-rastim,G-CSF)  非那甾胺(Finasteride)  B型嗜血杆菌组合疫苗(脑膜炎双球菌蛋白结合物) 卡比多巴(Carbidopa)/左旋多巴(Levodopa) 舒马坦琥珀酸盐(Suma-triptan Succinate) 氯雷他定(Loratadine)           盐酸曲匹西龙(Tropiser-on Hydrochloride)  普伐他丁钠(Pravastatin Sodium) 左旋氧氟沙星(Levoflox-acin) 普伐他丁钠(Pravastatin Sodium) 齐多夫定(Zidovudine)  阿伐斯汀(Acrivastine) 新敏乐(Semprex) 兰索拉唑(Lansoprazole) 达克普隆(Take-pron) 阿齐霉素二水合物(Azth-romycin Dihydrate)  西沙必利(Cisapride)           重组人促红细胞生成素(Epoetinbate) 氟罗沙星(Fleroxacin)  环孢菌素(Ciclosporin)  环孢菌素(Ciclosporin)  头孢特伦新戊酯(Cefte-rampivoxil)   盐酸咪唑普利(ImidaprilHydrochloride) 盐酸特比奈酚(Terbina- fine Hydrochloride)  疗霉舒(Lamisil)   更昔洛韦(Ganciclovir)  莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 福美斯坦(Formestane)粉 阿仑膦酸钠(Alendronate Sodium) 双氯芬酸树脂盐(Diclofe-nac Resinate)  盐酸喹高莱(Quinagolide Hydrochloride) 氟伐他丁钠(Fluvastatin Sodium) 盐酸坦索罗辛(Tamsulo- sin Hydrochloride)  含雌二醇和炔诺酮醋酸酯 爱斯加(Estra- gest)  咪伐氯胺(Mivacuriumch-loride)  霉酚酸吗啉乙酯(Mycoph- enolate Mofetil) 醋酸的斯加压素(Desmop-ressin Acetate) 洛沙坦钾(LosartanPota-ssium)  洛沙坦钾-双氢克尿塞(Losartan Potassium-Hydrochlorothiazide) 盐酸芦氟沙星(Rufloxacin Hydrochloride) 环匹罗司(Ciclopirox) 尼扎替丁(Nizatidine)          1,4-丁二磺酸硫代腺苷蛋氨酸(Ademetionine 1,4- butane-di-sulfonate)  帕曲膦酸二钠五水合物 (Pamidronatc Disodium Pentahydrate) D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID         瑞巴匹特(Rebamipide)  伏利波糖(Voglibose)   *(Risperidone)   氟氧头孢钠(Flomoxefso-dium)       氟氧头孢钠(Flomoxefso-dium) 非诺贝特(Fenofibrate)  盐酸杜塞酰胺(Dorzolamide Hydrochloride) 司帕沙星(Sparfloxacin)  泰克利玛(Tacrolimus)       盐酸*一水合物 (Ropivacaine Hydroch-loride Monohydrate)  阿卡波糖 普伐他丁 利巴韦林 阿曲汀 甲基睾丸素 罗苏伐他汀 阿昔洛韦 大力补 阿达帕灵 米非司酮 康力龙 苯磺酸阿曲库胺 莫维 A 硝 辛伐他汀 宝丹酮 乌拉地尔 头孢曲松钠 * 炔诺酮 头孢他啶 西尼地平 癸酸诺龙 头胞克肟 西洛他唑 康复龙 头胞克肟 卡洛芬 氧甲氢龙 头孢米诺 辅酶Q10 奥硝唑 头孢特伦 阿维 A 酯 扑热息痛 头孢替坦 乙胺丁醇 盐酸* 头孢匹胺 乙硫异烟胺 利巴韦林 头孢吡肟 表阿霉素 罗苏伐他汀 头孢西丁 孕二烯酮销售联系电话:01086181995;01089124423 电子信箱: waley188@sohu.com 联系人:郑先生 13911873657 四甲基氯化铵、四乙基溴化铵、四丙基溴化铵、四丁基溴化铵、四丁基硫酸氢铵、苄基三乙基氯化铵、苄基*基氯化铵、十二烷基*基溴化铵、十四烷基*基溴化铵、十六烷基*基溴化铵、甲基三丁基氯化铵75%水溶液、甲基三辛基氯化铵75%水溶液、一甲胺盐酸盐、二甲胺盐酸盐、*胺盐酸盐、三乙胺盐酸盐、间氨基苯甲醚、氯代十二烷、氯代十六烷、氯代正丁烷、溴代十二烷、溴代十四烷、溴代十六烷. 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 四甲基氯化铵 (CH3)4NCl 75-57-0 四甲基溴化铵 (CH3)4NBr 64-20-0 四甲基氢氧化铵 (CH3)4NOH 75-59-2 四甲基氟化铵 (CH3)4NF 373-68-2 四甲基硫酸氢铵 (CH3)4NHSO4 103812-00-6 四甲基醋酸铵 (CH3)4CH3COON 10581-12-1 四甲基碘化铵 (CH3)4NI 四乙基溴化铵 (C2H5)4NBr 71-91-0 四乙基氯化铵 (C2H5)4NCl 56-34-8 四乙基氟化铵 (C2H5)4NF 665-46-3 四乙基硫酸氢铵 (C2H5)4NHSO4 16873-13-5 四乙基氢氧化铵 (C2H5)4NOH 77-98-5 四乙基醋酸铵 (C2H5)4CH3COON 1185-59-7 四乙基碘化铵 (C2H5)4NI 四丙基溴化铵 (C3H7)4NBr 1941-30-6 四丙基氯化铵 (C3H7)4NCl 5810-42-4 四丙基氟化铵 (C3H7)4NF 四丙基硫酸氢铵 (C3H7)4NHSO4 56211-70-2 四丙基碘化铵 (C3H7)4NI 四丁基溴化铵 (C4H9)4NBr 1643-19-2 四丁基氯化铵 (C4H9)4NCl 37451-68-6 四丁基氢氧化铵 (C4H9)4NOH 2052-49-5 四丁基硫酸氢铵 (C4H9)4NHSO4 32503-27-8 四丁基氟化铵 (C4H9)4NF 429-41-4 四丁基醋酸铵 (C4H9)4CH3COON 四丁基碘化铵 (C4H9)4NI 四辛基溴化铵 (C8H17)4NBr 14866-33-2 四苯基溴化膦 ()4PBr 2751-90-8 甲基三苯基溴化膦 ()3CH3PBr 1779-49-3 乙基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C2H5PBr 1530-32-1 丙基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C3H7PBr 丁基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C4H9PBr 1779-51-7 苄基三苯基氯化膦 1100-88-5 苄基三苯基溴化膦 -CH2BrP-()3 1449-46-3 烯丙基三苯基氯化膦 18480-23-4 烯丙基三苯基溴化膦 CH2=CH-CH2BrP-()3 1560-54-9 十二烷基三苯基溴化膦 C12H25BrP-()3 15510-55-1 十二烷基三苯基氯化膦 C12H25ClP-()3 十四烷基三苯基溴化膦 C14H29BrP-()3 十四烷基三苯基氯化膦 C14H29ClP-()3 十六烷基三苯基溴化膦 C16H33BrP-()3 14866-43-4 十六烷基三苯基氯化膦 C16H33ClP-()3 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr *胺盐酸盐 (CH3)3N.HCl 593-81-7 二甲胺盐酸盐 (CH3)2NH.HCl 506-59-2 一甲胺盐酸盐 CH3NH2·HCl 593-51-1 三乙胺盐酸盐 (C2H5)3N.HCl 554-68-7 二乙胺盐酸盐 (C2H5)2NH·HCl 660-68-4 一乙胺盐酸盐 C2H5NH2·HCl 557-66-4 2,-二甲胺基氯乙烷盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2N(CH3)2HCl 4584-46-7 2,-二乙胺基氯乙烷盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2N(C2H5)2HCl 869-24-9 2, -氯乙胺盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2NH2HCl 870-24-6 2,-溴乙胺盐酸盐 BrCH2CH2NH2HCl 2,-溴乙胺氢溴酸盐 BrCH2CH2NH3HBr 2576-47-8 二乙胺氢溴酸盐 (C2H5)2N.HBr 三乙胺氢溴酸盐 (C2H5)3N.HBr 630-70-4 苄基三乙基氯化铵 CH2(C2H5)3NCl 56-37-1 苄基三乙基溴化铵 -CH2(C2H5)3NBr 5197-95-5 苄基*基氯化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NCl 56-93-9 苄基*基溴化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NBr 5350-41-4 苄基*基氢氧化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NOH 苄基三丁基氯化铵 CH2 (C4H9)3NCl 23616-79-7 苄基三丁基溴化铵 CH2 (C4H9)3NBr 25316-59-0 N,N二乙基乙醇基氯化铵 甲基三乙基氯化铵 CH3(C2H5)3NCl 甲基三丙基氯化铵 CH3(C3H7)3NCl 甲基三丁基氯化铵 CH3(C4H9)3NCl 甲基三辛基氯化铵 CH3(C8H17)3NCl 5137-55-3 丙基*基氯化铵 C3H7(CH3)3NCl 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 丁基*基氯化铵 C4H9(CH3)3NCl 甲基三辛基氯化铵水溶液 CH3(C8H17)3NCl 5137-55-3 十二烷基*基溴化铵 C12H25(CH3)3 NBr 1119-94-4 十二烷基*基氯化铵 C12H25(CH3)3 NCl 112-00-5 十四烷基*溴化铵 C14H29(CH3)3NBr 1119-97-7 十四烷基*基氯化铵 C14H29(CH3)3 NCl 4574-04-3 十六烷基*基溴化铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 57-09-0 十六烷基*基氯化铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NCl 112-02-7 2,4-二氯苯酚 120-83-2 溴代正丁烷 C4H9Br 109-65-9 溴代十二烷 C12H25Br 143-15-7 溴代十六烷 C16H33Br 112-82-3 溴代十四烷 C14H29Br 112-71-0 溴代十八烷 C18H37Br 112-89-0 1,2-二溴乙烷 BrCH2-CH2Br 106-93-4 溴辛烷 C8H17Br 111-83-1 溴化苄 -CH2Br 100-39-0 氯代正丁烷 C4H9Cl 109-69-3 氯代异丁烷 C4H9Cl 513-36-0 氯代叔丁烷 C4H9Cl 507-20-0 氯代正辛烷 C8H17Cl 111-85-3 氯代十二烷 C12H25Cl 112-52-7 氯代十四烷 C14H29Cl 110220-87-6 氯代十六烷 C16H33Cl 4860-03-1 氯代十八烷 C18H37Cl 3386-33-2 1H-1,2,4三氮唑 288-88-0 对叔丁基氯苄 C4H9--CH2Cl 19692-45-6 对叔丁基氰苄 (CH3)3-C--CH2CN 对甲苯磺酸 CH3--SO3H 104-15-4 苯基*基氯化铵 138-24-9 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 苯基*基溴化铵 16056-11-4 间氨基苯甲醚 536-90-3 间硝基苯甲醚 间氨基苯乙醚 621-33-0 甲基氯化吡啶 乙基氯化吡啶 4,-甲基丁基氯化吡啶 丁基氯化吡啶 十二烷基氯化吡啶 十二烷基溴化吡啶 十四烷基氯化吡啶 十四烷基溴化吡啶 溴化十六烷基吡啶 140-72-7 氯化十六烷基吡啶 123-03-5 (西吡氯胺CPC) 吡啶盐酸盐 5421-92-1 珍珠水解液、速溶珍珠粉、超细珍珠粉(已获得《药品生产企业许可证》)、丝肽粉(丝精)、丝肽液、丝素粉、丝胶粉、蚕丝氨基酸、胎盘提取液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白、芦荟粉、鱼蛋白粉、人参提取液、人参浸膏、卵蛋白粉、当归液、甘草浸膏、海藻胶(液)、白芷提取液、金银花提取液、木瓜提取液、丹参提取液、灵芝提取液、银杏提取液、绿茶提取液 、芦酊、果酸(a—羟基酸,AHA)、表皮生长因子bFGF、表皮生长因子EGF、注射用A型肉毒素、注射用人胶原蛋白、D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID HOLUME MS40 新型皂基表面活性剂 ENDATION CM 皂基体系肤感改良剂 PLANTON 611C AES/APG复配物 ENDATION U2 新型香波柔顺调理剂 SAG-610 高效的消泡抑泡剂 L34 无磷洗涤助剂 ST 040 高渗透性发泡剂 ENDATION U8 衣物柔顺剂 S60 非离子改性活性体 S31 抑泡增效剂 商品名称 规格 K12A(70%) 多种 AESA(70%) 25kg/桶 AES 100-220kg/桶 海藻提取物 16kg CAB 50kg/桶 芦荟 16kg MES 50kg/桶 红花 16kg SCI-65 79.4kg/桶 银杏 16kg 25UP 20kg/桶 皂角 16kg 肌氨酸纳 50kg/桶 当归 16kg 谷氨酸纳 50kg/桶 白蔹 16kg 咪唑林 50kg/桶 茯苓 16kg 6501 200kg/桶 细辛 5kg CMEA 25kg/件 金缘梅 10kg DC-200 190kg/桶 金缘梅燕馏液 10kg DC-345 190kg/桶 珍珠液 2.5kg DC-3225C 190kg/桶 珍珠层粉 2.5kg/袋 白矿油 170kg/桶 水解蛋白 2.5kg 甘油 250kg/桶 胶原蛋白 2.5kg 丙二醇 200kg/桶 甲硝唑 25kg/桶 硬脂酸 25kg/袋 芦荟粉 1kg 十二酸 25kg/袋 熊果甘 1kg 十四酸 25kg/袋 曲酸脂 0.5kg IPP 50kg/桶 VC磷酸脂 0.5kg IPM 50kg/桶 胎盘提取液 4kg/桶 GTCC 190kg/桶 VB3 25kg 角烷(合成) 160kg/桶 VB6 25kg 霍霍巴油(水/油) 10/18kg/桶 VC 50kg 白凡士林 165kg/桶 VE 5kg/桶 羊毛脂(水/抽) 20/25kg 不变色氩醒 25kg/桶 PEG-400 230kg/桶 物效美白剂 5kg件 橄榄油 50kg/桶 VA酸脂 25kg 月见草油 25kg/桶 VA酸 0.1/1kg 乙氧基二乙二醇 20kg/桶 HS 25kg 甘草酸二钾 1kg/袋 地塞米松 100g/袋 氯霉素 25kg/桶 复合樱敏剂 1kg/袋 红没药醇 5kg/袋 芦荟液 2.5kg/桶 BHT 25kg/袋 乙酯 20kg/件 甲酯 20kg/件 K30 90kg 丙酯 20kg/件 VA64 70kg 16-18醇 25kg/件 S630 50kg 乳化硅油 60kg/桶 氯洁霉素 25kg/桶 T-20 25kg/桶 DC1352 190kg/桶 T-60 25kg/桶 DC1491 190kg/桶 T-80 25kg/桶 DC1785 190kg/桶 A6 50kg/件 DC193 190kg/桶 A25 25kg/件 DC8168 190kg/桶 Brij-72 25kg/件 3196(瓜尔胶) 22.7kg/桶 Brij-721 25kg/件 JR400 25kg/箱 S2 50kg/桶 400KC-A 20kg/箱 S6 25kg/桶 甘宝素 25kg/件 P135 188kg/桶 LM-S 25kg/件 808A 50kg/桶 OCTP 50kg/桶 305 30kg/桶 ZPT 30kg/桶 3101 50kg/桶 3102 AM2001 60kg/桶 AMD 25kg/箱 CD-78 50kg/桶 A100 25kg/袋 TC-90 45.4kg/桶 R930 25kg/袋 硫代 25kg/桶 讯高岭土 25kg/袋 氨水 15kg/箱 腾润土 25kg/袋 单乙醇胺 200kg/桶 滑石粉 25kg/袋 双氧水 30kg/桶 硬脂酸镁 20kg/袋 酸钠 50kg/桶 彩色胶囊 1kg/瓶 稳定剂 25kg/桶 磨砂粒 25kg/袋 对苯二胺 50kg/桶 霍霍巴脂彩球 1kg 对氨基苯酚 25kg/桶 250HHR 25kg/袋 间苯二酚 25kg/桶 C940 20kg/袋 间氨基苯酚 25kg/桶 C941 20kg/袋 邻甲酚 20kg/桶 C934 20kg/袋 1631 50kg/桶 C2020 20kg/袋 TC-429 50kg/桶 DOE120 70kg/桶 磷酸氢二钠 25kg/袋 汉生胶 45.4kg 磷酸二氢钠 25kg/袋 PVA217 20kg/袋 珠光片 25kg/袋 海藻酸钠 25kg/袋 珠光浆 50kg/桶 各种色粉 50kg/袋 PK771 200kg/桶 珠光粉 1kg 三乙醇胺 200kg/桶 K-99 1kg/瓶 柠檬酸 25kg/袋 JM-2 1kg/瓶 Germaben-pius 20kg KOH 25kg/袋 红霉素 25kg/桶 EDTA-2Na 25kg/件 无水乙醇 165kg/件 EDTA-4Na 25kg/件 脱醛乙醇 160kg/件 钛白粉 25kg/件 95%乙醇 165kg/件 纳米钛白粉 5kg/箱 透明质酸 50g/100g SP-60 15kg/件 地蜡 25kg/袋 638增稠剂 20kg/件 石蜡 50kg/袋 氮酮(水/油) 0.5kg/瓶 白蜂蜡 50kg/袋 凯松 1kg/瓶 小烛树蜡 20kg/袋 尿囊素 25kg/件 微晶蜡 25kg/袋 氧化铁红 25kg/袋 巴西棕榈蜡 25kg/袋 氧化铁黄 25kg/袋 1.3丁二醇 200kg/桶 氧化铁黑 25kg/袋 单甘脂 25kg/箱 平平加 25kg/袋 果酸-60 25kg/桶 A-83 60kg/袋 果酸-90 25kg/桶 拉丝剂 25kg/袋 增溶剂 20kg/桶 珠光皇 25kg/箱 皂基 100kg/桶 AXS 240kg/桶 氧化铝丙二醇 50kg/桶 APG-2000 160kg/桶 SI-900 25kg/桶 氨基硅油 50kg/桶 山梨醇 165kg/桶 薄荷脑 25kg/箱 D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID 各色彩粒 1kg 硫酸镁 0.5kg/瓶 金箔 100张 硫酸锌 0.5kg/瓶 MAP-K 60 維生素A, C, E、泛醇(D-Panthenol), 沒藥醇(Bisabolol) 及維生素A(Retinol) 柠檬酸、阿维酸 曲酸二棕榈酸酯;熊果苷;甘草酸二钾;甘草黄酮;彩色珍珠 胶囊系列;核酸;CM-Glucan免疫多糖激活剂;NMF-50氨基酸保湿剂;甲壳素多糖衍生物、3-氨基丙醇磷酸酯(APPA)、壬二酸衍生物(K-ADG)、二棕榈酰羟脯氨酸(DPHP)、曲酸氨基丙醇磷酸酯(K-APPA) 纯品甘草酸   GLYCYRRHIZIC ACID〉98%(UV)   药用抗毒,抗过敏、消炎,化妆品、洁牙等 甘草次酸   18-B-ACID〉97%(HPLC)        药用原料、外用创伤或湿疹等二钾盐    甘草酸二钾盐GLYCYRRHIZINATE〉95%(UV)     药用原料,主要用于眼疾   甘草酸二钠盐    GLYCYRRHIZINATE〉95%(UV)     药用或食品级添加剂 樾桔提取物  25%(uv) 牛膀子甙   80%(HPLC) 银杏异黄酮  24% 6% max 5ppm max 1ppm 大豆异黄酮 大豆低聚糖 低聚果糖 低聚异麦芽糖 低聚半乳糖 低聚龙胆糖 麦芽一低聚异麦芽糖醇 海藻糖 壳低聚糖 低聚木糖 甘露低聚糖 甜菊糖 蔗果低聚糖 琼脂低聚糖 大豆肽 三七提取物 黄芪提取物 五味子提取物 高山红景天提取物 月见草提取物 薰衣草精华 氧化苦参碱 苦参碱 绞股蓝 柚皮甙, 辛弗林, 红景天甙, 刺芒柄花素, 淫羊藿甙, 橙皮酊 熊果酸, 染料木素 秋水仙碱 人参皂甙 甘草提取物Licorice Root ExtractGlycyrrhizin 24% 黄芪提取物Astragalus ExtractAstragaloside Ⅳ 0.3% 灵芝提取物Reishi Mushroom ExtractPolysacchrides 10% 柳白皮提取物White Willow bark Extract Salicin 25% 紫杉醇 植物提取物 芦丁、芦酊 褐藻酸双脂钠海藻提取物 Astragalus P.E. 黄芪提取物 Ligustrum lucidum AitP.E 女贞子提取物 Loquat Leaf P.E 枇杷叶提取物 Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Citrus Aurantium P.E 枳实提取物 St.John”s wort P.E. 贯叶连翘提取物 Siberian Gingseng P.E. 刺五加提取物 Tribulus Terrestris P.E. 刺蒺藜提取物 Wild Yam P.E. 山药提取物 Hawthorne 山楂果提取物 Heterophylly 太子参提取物 Siberian 甘草浸膏 Bulbus Bolbostemmae P.E. 土贝母提取物 Codonopsis P.E. 党参提取物 Green tea P.E. 绿茶提取物 Grape seed P.E. 葡萄籽提取物 Horsetail P.E. 问荆提取物 Bilberry P.E. 越橘提取物 Tribula Terrestris P.E. 蒺藜籽提取物 Kudzu Root P.E. 葛根提取物 Red Clover P.E. 红车轴草提取物 White WillowBark P.E. 白柳皮提取物 Schisandra P.E. 五味子提取物 Sinlmenine Hydrochloride 盐酸青藤碱 Taxol 紫杉醇 10-Deacetyl Baccation III 10-脱乙酰巴卡丁 其它提取物 珍珠水解液、超细珍珠粉、丝肽粉、丝肽液、丝氨基酸、胎盘液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白、芦荟粉、芦荟提取液、鱼蛋白粉、卵蛋白粉、海藻液(胶)、芦酊、木瓜提取液、丹参提取液、人参粉、人参提取液、当归提取液、当归浸膏、首乌浸膏、甘草浸膏、银杏提取液、黄瓜提取液、大蒜提取液、仙人掌提取液、薏苡仁提取液、红花提取液、白芷提取液、金银花提取液、绿茶提取液、黑芝麻提取液、野菊花提取液、皂角提取液、淫羊藿提取液、益母草提取液、葛根提取液、黄芩提取液、黄柏提取液、透明质酸液、NS去屑止痒剂、 月见草油,当归精油,葡萄籽油,杏仁油,姜精油,桂皮精油,紫苏籽油,八角茴香油,玉米黄色素、紫苏红、甘蓝红、萝卜红、紫甘薯红、葡萄红、蜗牛酶、 葡萄籽提取物 PROANTHOCYANIEINS 〉95% 25KGS /DRUM 水飞蓟素 TOTAL FLAVANOSIDS:75%MIN 25KGS /DRUM 人参皂甙 CONTENT:80% MIN 25KGS /DRUM 银杏黄酮 FLAVANOSIDS 24%MIN TERPEN LACTONE 6%MIN 25KGS /DRUM 茶多酚 POLYPHENOLS 40-98% 25KGS /DRUM 五味子 SCHISANDRINS 9% 25KGS /DRUM 硫酸软骨素 WITH CONTENT 90% 25KGS /DRUM 辣椒红、姜黄色素、甜菜红 红曲红 高粱红 萝卜红 甘蓝红 紫草红 栀子黄 、栀子蓝 、叶绿素铜钠盐 、金樱子棕 *院士、分子肿瘤学国家重点实验室主任吴教授在《战胜癌症》中提到:芦酊对各种癌症患者都有预防和治疗功效,尤其对膀胱癌、肺癌、皮肤癌有特殊疗效。 据中医学临床实验证明:芦酊是新一代防癌、治癌的保健药品,也具有提神解暑等药效功用,在国内外享有很高的声誉。 山东省医学*药物研究所通过实验证明,芦笋提取物芦酊对癌细胞具有抑制“拓扑异构酶”的活性促使癌细胞DNA双链断裂的作用,但由于明显的剂量效应相关性,对于“拓扑异构酶”浓度较低的人体正常细胞不发生作用,这就使芦酊抗癌具有了科学家Z希望的选择性:既可以直接抑制杀灭癌细胞,对正常细胞又没有毒副作用。 科学家进一步研究又证明,芦笋中含有丰富的组织蛋白核酸叶酸、微量元素硒和游离态存在的天门冬酰胺和芦酊,他们能有效地抑制癌细胞生长和癌细胞生物大分子的合成,对人体癌细胞形成生化障碍,从而阻止癌细胞的生长、增殖和浸润。   美国生化学家卡尔·卢茨以及理查德·文赛尔多年研究证明,用芦酊治淋巴腺癌、膀胱癌、肺癌和皮肤癌有*疗效。对其它癌症、白血症等,也有很好效果。芦笋治癌的奥秘,在于含有特别丰富的组织蛋白和芦酊,这些物质能防止癌细胞扩散及抑制癌细胞生长,被生化学家们誉为“使细胞生长正常的”卫士。

产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Calcitonin,Salmon 降钙素 PEP 10001 cGMP Peptide Desmopressin 去氨加压素 PEP 10002 cGMP Peptide Enfuvirtide(T-20) PEP 10004 cGMP Peptide Eptifibatide 埃替非巴肽 PEP 10005 cGMP Peptide Glucagon 胰高血糖素 PEP 10006 cGMP Peptide Gonadorelin 戈那瑞林 PEP 10007 cGMP Peptide Goserelin 戈舍瑞林 PEP 10008 cGMP Peptide Hexarelin 海沙瑞林 PEP 10009 cGMP Peptide Leuprorelin 亮丙瑞林 PEP 10010 cGMP Peptide Melanotan Ⅱ 美拉诺坦 PEP 10011 cGMP Peptide Octreotide 奥曲肽 PEP 10012 cGMP Peptide Oxytocin 缩宫素 PEP 10013 cGMP Peptide Sermorelin 舍莫瑞林 PEP 10014 cGMP Peptide Somatostatin 生长抑素 PEP 10015 cGMP Peptide Terlipressin 特利加压素 PEP 10003 cGMP Peptide Thymopentin 胸腺五肽 PEP 10016 cGMP Peptide Thymosin alpha C1 胸腺肽 PEP 10017 cGMP Peptide Triptorelin 曲普瑞林 PEP 10018 cGMP Peptide First Previous Next Last Page*/1 联系电话:01086181995;01089124423; 手机:013911873657 Email: waley188@sohu.com 产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Calcitonin,Salmon 降钙素 PEP cGMP Peptide Desmopressin 去氨加压素 PEP cGMP Peptide Enfuvirtide(T-20) PEP cGMP Peptide Eptifibatide 埃替非巴肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Glucagon 胰高血糖素 PEP cGMP Peptide Gonadorelin 戈那瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Goserelin 戈舍瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Hexarelin 海沙瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Leuprorelin 亮丙瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Melanotan Ⅱ 美拉诺坦 PEP cGMP Peptide Octreotide 奥曲肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Oxytocin 缩宫素 PEP cGMP Peptide Sermorelin 舍莫瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Somatostatin 生长抑素 PEP cGMP Peptide Terlipressin 特利加压素 PEP cGMP Peptide Thymopentin 胸腺五肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Thymosin alpha –1 胸腺肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Triptorelin 曲普瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide First Previous Next Last Page*/1 β-Ala-His (L-Carnosine) 肌肽 Melanotan Ⅱ Acetate 醋酸美拉诺坦 Terlipressin Acetate 醋酸特利加压素 Triptoelin Acetate 醋酸曲普瑞林 Ala-Gln 力肽 Thymosin α1 Acetate 醋酸胸腺肽α1 Thymopentin Acetate, TP-5 Acetate 醋酸胸腺五肽 Thymopentin, TP-5 胸腺五肽 Octreotide Acetate 醋酸奥曲肽 Oxytocin Acetate 醋酸催产素 Oxytocin Acetate, Veterinary 醋酸催产素兽药级 Sermorelin Acetate 醋酸舍莫瑞林 Somatostatin Acetate 醋酸生长抑素 Angiotensin Acetate 醋酸血管紧张素 Alarelin 阿拉瑞林 Atosiban Acetate 醋酸阿托西班 Calcitonin Acetate, Salmon 醋酸鲑鱼降钙素 Desmopressin Acetate 醋酸去氨加压素 Enfuvirtide Acetate 醋酸恩夫韦地 Eptifibatide Acetate 醋酸埃替非巴肽 Leuprorelin Acetate 醋酸亮丙瑞林阿拉瑞林(Alarelin)   阿托西班(Atosiban)   埃替非巴肽(Eptifibatide)   奥曲肽(Octreotide)   催产素(Oxytocin)   恩夫韦地(Enfuvirtide,T-20)   HIV-1融合抑制剂高血糖素(Glucagon)   戈那瑞林(Gonadorelin)   戈舍瑞林(Goserelin)   鲑降钙素(Salmon Calcitonin)   肌肽(L-Carnosine)   精氨酸加压素(Argpressin)   赖氨酸加压素(Lyspressin)   力肽(Dipeptiven)   L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 立特帕肽(Teriparatide)   亮丙瑞林(Leuprorelin)   鸟氨酸加压素(Ornipressin)   曲普瑞林(Triptorelin)   去氨加压素(DDAVP)   人脑利钠肽(Nesiritide)   舍莫瑞林(Sermorelin)   生长抑素(Somatostatin)   特利加压素(Terlipressin)   胸腺肽α1(Thymosin α1)   胸腺五肽(TP-5)   Thymopentin 血管紧张素(Angiotensin)   依降钙素(Elcatonin)   胰泌素(Secretin)    Agouti Related Peptides ;AGRP(25-51) Amyloid Peptides  β-Amyloid (10-20);β-Amyloid (1-11);β-Amyloid (15-21);β-Amyloid (31-35) Dynorphin Peptides Dynorphin A (1-13);Dynorphin A (1-7) Endomorphin Peptides Endomorphin-1;Endomorphin-2 Fibronectin Fragment Peptides Fibrinolysis Inhibiting Factor: GRGDSP ;Necrofibrin Hexapeptide    Gly-Gln Gly-Gln Pro-Phe Pro-Phe H-Gly-His-Lys-OH H-Gly-His-Lys-OH H-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser-OH H-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser-OH Acetyl-Glu-Glu-Met-Gln-Arg-Arg-NH2 Acetyl-Glu-Glu-Met-Gln-Arg-Arg-NH2 SAMe-PTS 97540-22-2 S-腺苷蛋氨酸 S-Adenosylmethione 1.4-Butanedisulfonate 101020-79-5 -- 产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Ghrelin ,humen PEP 10019 GLP Peptide Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH),human PEP 10021 GLP Peptide RGD-4C PEP 10023 GLP Peptide [Arg8]Vasopressin PEP 10020 GLP Peptide ACTH (1-39), human PEP 10024 GLP Peptide Angiotensin II, human PEP 10025 GLP Peptide Bombesin PEP 10026 GLP Peptide Bradykinin PEP 10027 GLP Peptide Cecropin A PEP 10028 GLP Peptide Cholecystokinin (1-21) PEP 10029 GLP Peptide Galanin, human PEP 10030 GLP Peptide Gastrin-1, human PEP 10031 GLP Peptide Magainin 2 PEP 10032 GLP Peptide Osteocalcin (7-19), human PEP 10033 GLP Peptide β-Amyloid (2-42) PEP 10022 GLP Peptide 阿拉瑞林(Alarelin)   阿托西班(Atosiban)   埃替非巴肽(Eptifibatide)   奥曲肽(Octreotide)   催产素(Oxytocin)   恩夫韦地(Enfuvirtide,T-20)   HIV-1融合抑制剂高血糖素(Glucagon)   戈那瑞林(Gonadorelin)   戈舍瑞林(Goserelin)   鲑降钙素(Salmon Calcitonin)   肌肽(L-Carnosine)   精氨酸加压素(Argpressin)   赖氨酸加压素(Lyspressin)   力肽(Dipeptiven)   L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 立特帕肽(Teriparatide)   亮丙瑞林(Leuprorelin)   鸟氨酸加压素(Ornipressin)   曲普瑞林(Triptorelin)   去氨加压素(DDAVP)   人脑利钠肽(Nesiritide)   舍莫瑞林(Sermorelin)   生长抑素(Somatostatin)   特利加压素(Terlipressin)   胸腺肽α1(Thymosin α1)   胸腺五肽(TP-5)   Thymopentin 血管紧张素(Angiotensin)   依降钙素(Elcatonin)   胰泌素(Secretin)    Agouti Related Peptides ;AGRP(25-51) Amyloid Peptides  β-Amyloid (10-20);β-Amyloid (1-11);β-Amyloid (15-21);β-Amyloid (31-35) Dynorphin Peptides Dynorphin A (1-13);Dynorphin A (1-7) Endomorphin Peptides Endomorphin-1;Endomorphin-2 Fibronectin Fragment Peptides Fibrinolysis Inhibiting Factor: GRGDSP ;Necrofibrin Hexapeptide    α-促黑素细胞激素(α-MSH)  Melanotan-II (MT-II) 美那酮 PT-141 性功能障碍治疗的较早一代药物,适用于男女。 促肾上腺皮质激素  ACTH (1-10) ;ACTH (1-13);ACTH(1-4) 短肽Ac-Ala-Gln-OH ;Ac-Gly-Gly-OH ;发色底物 Suc-RPY-pNA 骨相关肽 Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (7-19) 缓激肽 Bradykinin;Bradykinin Antagonist ;Kallidin([Lys0]-Bradykinin);T-Kinin([Ile-Ser]-Bradykinin) 美容多肽Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 ;Argireline,用于抗皱GHK:Cu ;该三肽可促进皮肤修复;PAL-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser 蛙皮素 Bombesin 血管紧张素肽  Angiotensin ;Angiotensin I ;Angiotensin II ;Renin Inhibitor Peptide 药物转运肽 Aminopeptidase N Ligand (CD13);MEK1 Derived Peptide Inhibitor 1 ;NGR Peptide 2 ;TAT 胰淀粉样肽 Amylin (20-29) 胰高血糖素样肽 Glucagon (19-29) 细胞凋亡相关肽  MCC Peptide(88-103);S1P(Site-1 Protease Fragment)   血管活性肠多肽 VIP ;VIP Antagonist ;VIP(1-12) 血管紧张素相关肽  Angiotensin ;Angiotensin I ;Angiotensin II ;Renin Inhibitor Peptide 药物转运肽 Aminopeptidase N Ligand (CD13);MEK1 Derived Peptide Inhibitor 1 ;NGR Peptide 2 ;TAT 胰淀粉样肽 Amylin (20-29) 胰高血糖素样肽 Glucagon (19-29) α-促黑素细胞激素(α-MSH)  Melanotan-II (MT-II) 美那酮 PT-141 性功能障碍治疗的较早一代药物,适用于男女。 促肾上腺皮质激素  ACTH (1-10) ;ACTH (1-13);ACTH(1-4) Ac-Ala-Gln-OH ;Ac-Gly-Gly-OH ;发色底物 Suc-RPY-pNA 骨肽 Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (7-19) 激肽 Bradykinin;Bradykinin Antagonist ;Kallidin([Lys0]-Bradykinin);T-Kinin([Ile-Ser]-Bradykinin) 美容肽Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 ;Argireline,用于抗皱GHK:Cu ;该三肽可促进皮肤修复;PAL-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser 蛙皮素 Bombesin 细胞凋亡肽  MCC Peptide(88-103);S1P(Site-1 Protease Fragment)   血管活性肽 VIP ;VIP Antagonist ;VIP(1-12) 生长抑素、催产素、胸腺五肽、依非巴特、胸腺28肽、奥曲肽、亮丙瑞林、依降钙素、鲑鱼降钙素、阿斯巴甜、肌肽亮丙瑞林 Leuprorelin C59H84N16O12 [53714-56-0] 奥曲肽 Octreotide C49H66N10O10S2 [83150-76-9] 胸腺肽a1 Thymosin a1 C129H215N33O55 [62304-98-7] 依降钙素 Elcatonin C148H244N42O47 [60731-46-6] 组氨瑞林 Histrelin C66H86N18O12 [76712-82-8] 力肽 Dipetiven C8H15N3O4 [39537-23-0] 阿托西班 Atosiban C43H67N11O12S2 [90779-69-4] 去氨加压素 Desmopressin C46H64N14O12S2 [16789-98-3] 比瓦尔丁 Bivalirudin [128270-60-0] 曲普瑞林 Triptorelin C64H82N18O13 [57773-63-4] 阿拉瑞林 Alarelin [79561-22-1] 催产素 Oxytocin C44H68N12O12S2 [50-56-6] 梅沙瑞林 Hexarelin C47H58N12O6 生长抑素 Somatostatin C79H108N18O21S2 [51110-01-1] 特利加压素 Terlipressin C52H74N16O15O2 [14636-12-5] 胸腺五肽 Thymopentin C30H49N9O9 [69558-55-0] 美拉诺坦 II Melanotan II C50H69N15O9 [121062-08-6] 舍莫瑞林 Sermorelin C149H246N44O42S [86168-78-7] 鸟氨加压素 Ornipressin C45H63N13O12S2 [3397-23-7] 赖氨加压素 Lypressin C46H65N13O12S2 那法瑞林 Nafarelin [76932-56-4] Argirelin(Hexapeptide-3) 依来多辛 Eledosin C54H86N13O15S [69-25-0] 美拉诺坦 I Melanotan I C78H111N21O19 [75921-69-6] Bombesin [31362-50-2] 苯赖加压素 Felypressin [56-59-7] 戈那瑞林 Gonadorelin C55H75N17O13 [71447-49-9] 鲑降钙素 Calcitonin C145H240N44O48S2 [47931-85-1] 甲状旁腺激素 PTH [9002-64-6] 恩夫伟地 Enfuvirtide(T-20) C204H301N51O64 [159519-65-0] 辛卡利特 Sincalide C49H62N10O16S3 [25126-32-3] 安普利肽 Eptifibatide C35H49N11O9S2 [148031-34-9] 布舍瑞林 Buserelin C60H86N16O13 [57982-77-1] Lecirelin 高舍瑞林 Goserelin C59H84N18O14 [65807-02-5] 谷胱甘肽 Glutatione C10H17N3O6S [70-18-8] 产品名称 编号 序列 纯度 分子式 分子量 氧化桥 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。销售联系电话:01086181995;01089124423 电子信箱: waley188@sohu.com 联系人:郑先生 13911873657 现*胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1 98% 纯品、 α-干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、表皮生长因子(EGF),肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶等。产品名称 编号 序列 纯度 分子式 分子量 氧化桥 1. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH) & Related Peptides 2. Adrenomedullin 3. Allatostatins 4. β-Amyloids 5. Angiotensins 6. Atrial Natriuretic Peptides 7. Bag Cell Peptides 8. Bone Gla Proteins 9. Bradykinins 10. Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide 11. Cholecystokinins(CCK) 12. Casomorphin 13. Dynorphins 14. Enkephalins 15. Endorphin 16. Fibronectin & Extra Cellular Matrix Related Peptides 17. Glucagon & Related Peptides 18. Growth Factor Fragments 19. Leucokinin & Analogs 20. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones(MSH) 21. Melanoma Peptides 22. Neuromedins 23. Neurotensin 24. Parathyroid Hormone & Anologs(PTH) 25. Signal Transduction Reagents 26. Substance P & Analogs 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。

现*胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1 98% 纯品、 α-干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、表皮生长因子(EGF),肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),IGF-1,干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶等。 ACE Inhibitors Adipokinetic Hormones Adrenocorticotropic Hormones (ACTH) Adrenomedullins Agouti-Related Proteins Allatostatins Amylins Amyloid Angiotensins Anti-Inflammatory Peptides Antibiotic Peptides Antimicrobial Peptides Apelin Peptides Apoptosis related peptides Atrial Natriuretic Peptides Bag Cell Peptides Big Endothelin & Analogs Bombesins Bone Gla Proteins Bradykinins Brain Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) C-Peptides C-Type Natriuretic Peptides Calcitonin & Calcitonin Gene Related Peptides (CGR... Calpain Inhibitors Cart peptides CARTS Casomorphins Cathepsins and Related Products Chloromethylketones Cholecystokinins (CCK) Conotoxins & Other Toxins Corticotropin Releasing Factors Cortistatins Decorsin Defensins Dynorphins Endomorphins Endorphin Endothelin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors & Analogs Endothelin Receptor Antagonist Endothelin-1 & Analogs Endothelin-2, Endothelin-3 & Analogs Endothelins & Related Peptides Enkephalins ETa Receptor Antagonist ETb Receptor Agonist & Antagonist Exendins Fibronectin and Extra Cellular Matrix Related Pept... FMRF & Analogs Galanins Gastric Inhibitory Peptides Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide Gastrins Ghrelins Glucagon & related peptides Glucagons and Glucagon-Like Peptides GnRH Associated Peptides Growth Factor Fragments Growth Hormone & Growth Hormone Releasing Factors ... GTP-Binding Protein GTP-Binding Protein Fragments Guanylins Insect-Neuropeptides Insulin & related peptides Laminin Peptides Leptin Fragment Peptides Leucokinin & Analogs LH-RH & Analogs Mast Cell Degranulating Peptides Melanin Concentrating Hormone (MCH) Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones (MSH) Melanoma peptides Miscellaneous Peptides MMP Substrate MMP Substrates Motilins Neurokinins Neuromedins Neuropeptide Y & Analogs Neuropeptides Neurotensins Opioid Related Peptides Orexins Other Opoid Peptides Oxytocins Pancreastatin & Related Peptides Pancreatic Polypeptides Parathyroid Hormone & Analogs (PTH) Peptides YY Petidase Substrates Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptides (P... Protein Kinase and Related Peptides Renin Substrates & Inhibitors Sarafotoxin Secretin Secretins Signal Transduction Reagents Somatostatin & Analogs Somatostatins Stresscopin Related Peptides Substance P & Analogs Substrate & Enzyme Inhibitors TAT Proteins Thymopoietin & Thymosin Peptides Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormones (TRH) Urocortins Urotensins Vasoactive Intestinal Peptides (VIP) Vasopressins Virus Related Peptides -Amyloids and Related Peptides Endorphins 阿托西班、去氨加压素、埃替非巴肽,生长抑素,亮丙瑞林,埃替非巴肽,去氨加压素,PT-141,MT-II, Fmoc-氨基酸-王树脂(Fmoc-Amino Acid Attached to Wang Resin), 氨基酸-2-氯三苯甲基树脂 (Amino Acid Attached to 2-Chlorotrityl Resin), 甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; 声明:本公司所有产品只做为化学中间体对企业和科研机构以及公司销售。本公司不对个人进行产品销售!我公司按约定质量销售给买方后,购买单位对其购买的产品使用和再加工或再销售负全责。 请购买方按国家规定进行产品的再加工和产品的再销售!


: waley188

pharmaceutical reference substances ——— 药典标准品
united states pharmacopoeia and national formulary……………..美国药典标准品
european pharmacopoeia……………………………………………欧洲药典标准品
british pharmacopoeia………………………………………………英国药典标准品
japanese pharmacopoeia…………………………………………….日本药局标准品
swiss pharmacopoeia………………………………………………..瑞士药典标准品
the world health organic products………………………世界卫生组织药物标准品
certified liquids for viscosity measurements from the european pharmacopoeia
international commission on pharmaceutical enzymes………符合药用酶委员会标准药用酶
institute of dyes and organic products………………………………药用色素标准品

previous lot
1001003 acenocoumarol (200 mg) g0d300 f (10/05) 
1001502 acepromazine maleate (250 mg) f-2 f-1 (05/02) 
1002505 acesulfame potassium (200 mg) f0c136 each
1003009 acetaminophen (400 mg) j2c423 j-1 (04/06) each
1004001 acetanilide melting point standard (500 mg) (approximay m0a029 l (06/04) 
114 degrees)
1005004 acetazolamide (2 g) j1e041 j (02/06) 
1005706 glacial acetic acid (1.5 ml/ampule; 3 ampules) (as) f0d002 
1006007 acetohexamide (250 mg) h g-1 (06/99) 
1006506 acetohydroxamic acid (200 mg) f-1 f (03/03) 
1006801 acetone (1.5 ml/ampule; 3 ampules) f0d028 
1007000 acetophenazine maleate (200 mg) f-1 
1008002 propoxyphene related compound b (50 mg) (alpha-d-2h0d012
g-3 (05/05) 
1008501 acetylcholine chloride (200 mg) g 
1009005 acetylcysteine (200 mg) h1b169 h (01/04) 
1009901 acetyltributyl citrate (500 mg) g0c120 f (05/04) 
1009923 acetyltriethyl citrate (500 mg) g0e085 f-1 (01/07) 
1011007 acitretin (200 mg) f0e266 
1011018 acitretin related compound a (20 mg) ((2z,4e,6e,8e)-9-(4f0e264
1011029 acitretin related compound b (20 mg) (ethyl (all-e)-9-(4f0e265
1012065 acyclovir (300 mg) j0c149 i (06/04) 
1012101 adenine (200 mg) g2d279 g-1 (12/05) 
1012123 adenosine (200 mg) g0c295 f1b058 (01/05) 
1012134 ademetionine disulfate tosylate (500 mg) f0d073 
1012145 agigenin (25 mg) f 
1012190 adipic acid (100 mg) f0d318 
1012203 agnuside (25 mg) f0d397 $920.00each
1012509 l-alanine (200 mg) g0e002 f-2 (08/06) 
1012553 albendazole (200 mg) h0e240 g (10/06) 
1012600 albuterol (200 mg) i h (12/00) 
1012633 albuterol sulfate (200 mg) j i (04/00) 
1012688 alcohol determination--alcohol (5 ml/ampule; 5 ampules) f0c399 
1012699 alcohol determination--acetonitrile (5 ml/ampule; 5 ampules) f0c419 
1012757 alclometasone dipropionate (300 mg) h g (01/00) 
1012768 alcohol (1.2 ml/ampule; 5 ampules) f0d030 
1012772 dehydrated alcohol (1.2 ml/ampule; 5 ampules) f0d031 
1012780 alendronate sodium (200 mg) g0d288 f0b315 (02/06) 
1012906 * hydrochloride cii (500 mg) f0b016 
1012939 allantoin (200 mg) f0c169 
1012950 alliin (25 mg) f 
1013002 allopurinol (250 mg) j0c186 i-1 (01/05) 

page 1

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1013024 allopurinol related compound a (50 mg) (3-amino-4g
f-3 (05/02) 
carboxamidopyrazole hemisulfate)
1013057 s-allyl-l-cysteine (25 mg) f 
1014005 alphaprodine hydrochloride cii (250 mg) f 
1015008 alprazolam civ (200 mg) h1c133 h (06/05) 
1016000 alprostadil (25 mg) h 
1017105 altretamine (500 mg) f 
1017364 aluminum sulfate (2 g) (as) f0d342 
1017502 dried aluminum hydroxide gel (200 mg) f2b120 f-1 (01/04) 
1018505 amantadine hydrochloride (200 mg) h1d207 h (02/06) 
1019202 amcinonide (200 mg) h0d346 g0b260 
1019417 amifostine disulfide (25 mg) f0c152 
1019508 amikacin (300 mg) j0e226 i (10/06) 
1019701 amiloride hydrochloride (500 mg) h 
1019712 amiloride related compound a (30 mg) (methyl 3,5-diaminof0e287
6-chloropyrazine-2-carboxylate) (as)
1019756 aminobenzoate potassium (200 mg) f-1 f (06/01) 
1019767 aminobenzoate sodium (200 mg) f 
1019803 aminobenzoic acid (200 mg) (p-aminobenzoic acid) h1c083 h (10/04) 
1020008 aminobutanol (500 mg) g-1 g (06/99) 
1021000 aminocaproic acid (200 mg) g0d101 f-4 (09/05) 
1021703 nitrofurantoin related compound a (25 mg) (nf2e037
f-1 (08/06) 
1022808 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone (25 mg) i h-1 (01/03) 
1023403 diazepam related compound b (25 mg) (3-amino-6-chloroi1c102
i (12/04) 
1025205 aminoglutethimide (200 mg) f 
1025307 m-aminoglutethimide (100 mg) g f (05/01) 
1025351 aminohippuric acid (200 mg) f-1 
1025806 2-[3-amino-5-(n-methylacetamido)-2,4,6f
triiodobenzamido]-2-deoxy-d-glucose (25 mg)
1025908 aminopentamide sulfate (200 mg) f0b273 
1026004 m-aminophenol (300 mg) f 
1026401 aminosalicylic acid (125 mg) f-1 f (03/99) each
1026605 3-amino-2,4,6-triiodobenzoic acid (50 mg) g 
1027007 5-amino-2,4,6-triiodo-n-methylisophthalamic acid (50 mg) f-1 
1027302 amiodarone hydrochloride (200 mg) f0d257 
1028000 amitraz (200 mg) f0c042 
1029002 amitriptyline hydrochloride (200 mg) j0a004 i (03/03) 
1029501 amlodipine besylate (200 mg) f0d167 
1029909 ammonio methacrylate copolymer type a (100 mg) f-1 f (06/01) 
1029910 ammonio methacrylate copolymer type b (100 mg) f2c082 f-1 (06/05) 
1029942 ammonium carbonate (2 g) (as) f0d102 
1029953 ammonium chloride (200 mg) f0c134 
1029986 ammonium phosphate dibasic (1 g) (as) f0d104 
1030001 amobarbital cii (200 mg) f-2 

page 2

catalog #
amodiaquine hydrochloride (500 mg)
product desc-ription
current lot
previous lot
g-1 (04/03)
1031401 amoxapine (200 mg) g1d375 g (03/07) 
1031503 amoxicillin (200 mg) j0c043 i (07/04) 
1032007 amphotericin b (125 mg) j3c246 j-2 (01/05) each
1033000 ampicillin (200 mg) j-1 j (12/01) 
1033203 ampicillin sodium (125 mg) g-1 g (10/99) each
1033407 ampicillin trihydrate (200 mg) g1d147 g (08/05) 
1034002 amprolium (200 mg) g0c317 f-1 (04/05) 
1034308 amrinone (500 mg) g 
1034320 amrinone related compound a (100 mg) (5f
1034341 amrinone related compound b (100 mg) (n-(1,6-dihydro-6f-
1 f (03/00) 
1034363 amrinone related compound c (50 mg) (1,6-dihydro-6-oxo-f-1 f (05/00) 
1034909 anecortave acetate (200 mg) f0e298 
1034910 anecortave acetate related compound a (20 mg) (9(11)f0e299
1036008 anileridine hydrochloride cii (250 mg) f 
1036507 3-anilino-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzyl) acrylonitrile (25 mg) g2d383 g-1 (04/06) 
1038003 antazoline phosphate (200 mg) h g-1 (04/02) 
1039006 anthralin (200 mg) i0b221 h (11/02) 
1040005 antipyrine (200 mg) g f-4 (09/01) 
1040708 apigenin-7-glucoside (30 mg) f 
1041008 apomorphine hydrochloride (250 mg) h g (01/03) each
1041609 apraclonidine hydrochloride (100 mg) h0b112 g (06/03) each
1042000 aprobarbital ciii (200 mg) (as) 
1042102 l-arabinitol (500 mg) f0e311 
1042500 l-arginine (200 mg) g-1 g (09/00) 
1042601 arginine hydrochloride (125 mg) g0b060 f-1 (05/03) each
1042703 arsanilic acid (25 mg) f 
1043003 ascorbic acid (1 g) (vitamin c) q0b012 p (04/03) 
1043105 ascorbyl palmitate (2 g) (as) f0d326 
1043502 asparagine anhydrous (200 mg) f0e013 
1043513 asparagine monohydrate (200 mg) f0e012 
1043706 aspartame (200 mg) h1b125 h (05/03) 
1043728 aspartame related compound a (25 mg) (5-benzyl-3,6i0d208
h (11/05) 
dioxo-2-piperazineacetic acid)
1043750 aspartame acesulfame (200 mg) f0c137 
1043819 aspartic acid (100 mg) f0b087 
1044006 aspirin (500 mg) h g-1 (11/02) 
1044301 astemizole (200 mg) f 
1044403 atenolol (200 mg) h1c320 h (01/05) 
1044651 atovaquone (200 mg) f0b190 
1044662 atovaquone related compound a (25 mg) (cis-2-[4-(4f0b188
1044800 atracurium besylate (100 mg) f0b143 

page 3

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1045009 atropine sulfate (500 mg) m0b098 l-2 (04/03) 
1045337 avobenzone (500 mg) g1e109 g0b280 
1045508 aurothioglucose (100 mg) h0b224 g (10/03) each
1045600 azaerythromycin a (100 mg) (9-deoxo-9a-aza-9ag1d368
g (05/06) 
homoerythromycin a)
1045756 azaperone (200 mg) f 
1045803 azatadine maleate (200 mg) g0b300 f-1 (04/04) 
1046001 azathioprine (200 mg) h g-1 (02/00) 
1046056 azithromycin (100 mg) h0c212 g (11/04) 
1046078 desosaminylazithromycin (15 mg) f0e067 
1046089 n-demethylazithromycin (15 mg) f0e068 
1046103 azlocillin sodium (200 mg) f 
1046147 azo-aminoglutethimide (100 mg) f 
1046205 aztreonam (200 mg) g0c077 f-1 (03/04) 
1046307 aztreonam e-isomer (50 mg) f1d056 f (04/05) 
1046409 open ring aztreonam (25 mg) g0d071 f (12/04) 
1047300 bacampicillin hydrochloride (200 mg) g0b053 f (11/02) 
1047503 bacitracin (1 g) (susceptibility disk standard) g1c254 g (07/04) 
1048007 bacitracin zinc (200 mg) n1e200 n0a024 
1048200 baclofen (500 mg) i 
1048222 baclofen related compound a (50 mg) (4-(4-chlorophenyl)h1c289
h (11/04) 
1048506 beclomethasone dipropionate (200 mg) l0d312 k (02/06) 
1048619 benazepril hydrochloride (125 mg) g0e079 f0c250 
1048620 benazepril related compound a (15 mg) ((3r)-3-[[(1r)-1f0c252
oxo-1h-1-benzazepine-1-acetic acid, monohydrochloride)
1048630 benazepril related compound b (15 mg) ((3s)-3-[[(1r)-1f1e156
oxo-1h-1-benzazepine-1-acetic acid, monohydrochloride)
1048641 benazepril related compound c (50 mg) ((3s)-3-[[(1s)-1f0c425
1-benzazepine]-1-acetic acid)
1049000 bendroflumethiazide (200 mg) h0c402 g-1 (06/05) 
1050009 benoxinate hydrochloride (200 mg) f-2 f-1 (10/99) each
1051001 benzalkonium chloride (5 ml of approx. 10% aqueous l0d209 k0b151 
solution) (10/06)
1051500 benzethonium chloride (500 mg) f0e104 
1054000 benzocaine (500 mg) j0c130 i (12/04) 
1055002 benzoic acid (300 mg) g0d223 f6b173 (02/07) 
1056005 benzonatate (1 g) i0b003 h (01/03) 
1056504 1,4-benzoquinone (200 mg) g1b145 g (01/04) 
1057507 benzothiadiazine related compound a (100 mg) (4-amino-6i0f027
chloro-1,3-benzenedisulfonamide) (02/07)
1059003 benzphetamine hydrochloride ciii (200 mg) (as) f2c272 f-1 (10/05) 
1060002 benzthiazide (200 mg) f 

page 4

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1061005 benztropine mesylate (200 mg) i0c038 h (09/04) 
1061901 benzyl alcohol (500 mg/ampule) g0b306 f0b106 (10/03) 
1062008 benzyl benzoate (5 g) j0c060 i (05/04) 
1064003 1-benzyl-3-methyl-5-aminopyrazole hydrochloride (25 mg) f-1 
1065006 bephenium hydroxynaphthoate (500 mg) f 
1065210 berberine chloride (50 mg) f0e185 each
1065618 betahistine hydrochloride (200 mg) f0c105 
1065709 betaine hydrochloride (200 mg) f-1 f (11/02) 
1066009 betamethasone (200 mg) k2c204 k-1 (10/04) 
1067001 betamethasone acetate (500 mg) j0b079 i (08/03) 
1067307 betamethasone benzoate (200 mg) f-1 
1067704 betamethasone dipropionate (125 mg) k0c229 j (04/04) each
1068004 betamethasone sodium phosphate (500 mg) k0c358 j0b043 (06/05) 
1069007 betamethasone valerate (200 mg) k0c330 j (07/05) 
1069903 betaxolol hydrochloride (200 mg) g f-1 (06/00) 
1070006 betazole hydrochloride (200 mg) h 
1071009 bethanechol chloride (200 mg) g1d088 g (03/05) 
1071202 bicalutamide (200 mg) f0e321 
1071213 bicalutamide related compound a (25 mg) (n-[4-cyano-3f0e322
1071304 bile salts (10 g) i0c003 h-1 (05/04) each
1071439 positive bioreaction (3 strips; 10 cm x 1 cm) f0d014 $352.00each
1071508 biotin (200 mg) i0d114 h1b019 
1072001 biperiden (200 mg) f2b080 f-1 (02/04) 
1073004 biperiden hydrochloride (200 mg) g0e182 f-3 (08/06) 
1074007 bisacodyl (125 mg) i1b162 i (01/04) each
1074700 2,5-bis(d-arabi,2,3,4-tetrahydroxybutyl)pyrazine (25 mg) f 
1075203 bis(2-ethylhexyl)maleate (250 mg) f-2 f-1 (01/01) 
1075509 p-bis(di-n-propyl)carbamylbenzenesulfonamide (50 mg) f 
1075531 bismuth citrate (100 mg) f 
1075553 bismuth subsalicylate (100 mg) f1c394 f (08/05) 
1075600 bismuth subcarbonate (1 g) (as) f0d324 
1075622 bismuth subgallate (2 g) (as) f0d323 
1075644 bismuth subnitrate (1.5 g) (as) f0d388 
1075757 bisoprolol fumarate (200 mg) g0d316 f0b038 (08/05) 
1076206 powdered black cohosh extract (1.5 g) f0d086 
1076308 bleomycin sulfate (15 mg) j0b213 i (01/04) $332.00each
1076341 boric acid (1 g) (as) f0d036 $216.00each
1076352 bretylium tosylate (200 mg) f-1 
1076363 brinzolamide (200 mg) f0c034 
1076374 brinzolamide related compound a (50 mg) ((s)-(-)-4f0c033

page 5

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1076385 brinzolamide related compound b (50 mg) ((r)-4-aminof0c035
6-sulfonamide-1,1-dioxide ethanedioate)
1076501 bromocriptine mesylate (150 mg) i1c197 i (09/04) 
1077005 bromodiphenhydramine hydrochloride (200 mg) f-1 
1077708 8-bromotheophylline (400 mg) g f (07/02) $476.00each
1078008 brompheniramine maleate (125 mg) i1a036 i (01/03) each
1078201 budesonide (200 mg) f0e302 
1078303 bumetanide (250 mg) i0c111 h0b030 
1078325 bumetanide related compound a (25 mg) (3-amino-4f-

phenoxy-5-sulfamoylbenzoic acid)
1078336 bumetanide related compound b (25 mg) (3-nitro-4f-

phenoxy-5-sulfamoylbenzoic acid)
1078507 bupivacaine hydrochloride (1 g) h g-2 (03/03) 
1078700 buprenorphine hydrochloride ciii (50 mg) g0e026 f-1 (03/06) 
1078711 buprenorphine related compound a cii (50 mg) (21-[3-(1f1c076
f (04/04) 
1078733 bupropion hydrochloride (200 mg) g0e048 f0c123 each
1078744 bupropion hydrochloride related compound a (15 mg) (2f0e082
(tert-butylamino)-4"-chloropropiophenone hydrochloride)
1078755 bupropion hydrochloride related compound b (15 mg) (2f0e011
(tert-butylamino)-3"-bromopropiophenone hydrochloride)
1078766 bupropion hydrochloride related compound c (40 mg) (1-(3f0d293
1078799 bupropion hydrochloride related compound f (30 mg) (1-(3f0e076
1078802 buspirone hydrochloride (200 mg) h0b301 g (05/05) 
1079000 butabarbital ciii (200 mg) h0c007 g (03/04) 
1080000 butacaine sulfate (600 mg) f 
1081002 butalbital ciii (200 mg) h0c054 g2b077 
1081501 butamben (200 mg) g0f059 f (01/07) 
1082300 butoconazole nitrate (200 mg) f1b097 f (03/03) 
1082504 butorphanol tartrate civ (500 mg) j i (06/00) 
1082708 butylated hydroxytoluene (500 mg) (as) f0d122 
1082800 monotertiary-butyl-p-benzoquinone (100 mg) (fcc) f 
1082901 butyl 3-(butylamino)-4-phenoxy-5-sulfamoylbenzoate (25 f-1 
1083008 2-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (200 mg) l0c028 k (09/03) 
1083100 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (200 mg) 
1084000 butylparaben (200 mg) i0c139 h-1 (03/04) 
1085003 caffeine (200 mg) j1d241 j (02/06) 
1086006 caffeine melting point standard (1 g) (approximay 236 k0d372 j0b204 (11/06) 
1086108 calcifediol (75 mg) g1e064 g (07/06) 
1086301 calcitriol (10 mg) f0e062 $1352.00each
1086312 calcitriol solution (5 ml) f0d330 $208.00 each

page 6

catalog #
calcium acetate (1 g) (as)
product desc-ription
current lot
previous lot
1086356 calcium ascorbate (200 mg) f-1 f (08/01) 
1086403 calcium carbonate (1 g) (as) f0d099 
1086436 calcium chloride (1 g) (as) f0d153 
1086800 calcium gluceptate (200 mg) f-1 f (09/00) 
1086855 calcium hydroxide (1 g) (as) f0d168 
1086888 calcium lactate (1 g) f0d227 
1086902 calcium lactobionate (200 mg) g0b138 f-1 (01/04) 
1086935 calcium levulinate (1 g) (as) f0e142 
1087009 calcium pantothenate (200 mg) (vitamin b5) o0c331 n-1 (06/05) 
1087031 tribasic calcium phosphate (1 g) (as) f0d394 
1087202 calcium saccharate (200 mg) f 
1087359 calcium stearate (2 g) (as) f0d255 
1087406 calcium sulfate (1 g) (as) f0d236 
1087508 camphor (1 g) f0f030 
1087701 candelilla wax (250 mg) f0d123 
1088001 candicidin (200 mg) f 
1089004 cannabidiol ci (25 mg) (as) f-2 
1091006 capreomycin sulfate (250 mg) g f (06/01) 
1091040 caprylic acid (300 mg) f0d378 
1091108 capsaicin (100 mg) g2d136 g-1 (07/05) 
1091200 captopril (200 mg) h 
1091221 captopril disulfide (100 mg) g1b066 g (01/04) 
1091505 caprylocaproyl polyoxylglycerides (200 mg) f0c312 $189.00each
1092009 carbachol (200 mg) g1e010 g (07/06) 
1093001 carbamazepine (100 mg) k0e209 j (11/06) 
1093205 carbarsone (200 mg) f 
1093500 carbenicillin indanyl sodium (300 mg) g 
1094004 carbenicillin monosodium monohydrate (200 mg) g-2 
1095506 carbidopa (400 mg) i h (10/99) 
1095517 carbidopa related compound a (50 mg) (3-oh0b121
1096000 carbinoxamine maleate (200 mg) h g-1 (11/02) 
1096407 carboplatin (100 mg) h0c240 g (07/04) $172.00each
1096509 carboprost tromethamine (25 mg) f-1 f (02/01) 
1096531 carboxymethylcellulose calcium (1.5 g) (as) f0d336 
1096553 carboxymethylcellulose sodium (1.5 g) f0d357 
1096600 carisoprodol (1 g) g f-2 (05/02) 
1096699 carprofen (200 mg) (as) f0d335 
1096757 carteolol hydrochloride (200 mg) f-1 f (11/00) 
1096779 casticin (25 mg) f0d358 $957.00each
1096804 cathinone hydrochloride ci (50 mg) (alpha-i $605.00each
aminopropiophenone hydrochloride)
1096906 cefaclor (400 mg) i0e145 h (11/06) 
1096917 cefaclor, delta-3-isomer (30 mg) g f-1 (02/00) 
1097104 cefadroxil (125 mg) i1b319 i (01/05) each
1097308 cefamandole lithium (200 mg) h 

page 7

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1097400 cefamandole nafate (200 mg) h 
1097501 cefamandole sodium (250 mg) f 
1097603 cefazolin (400 mg) l0c345 k (04/05) 
1097636 cefepime hydrochloride (500 mg) g0d116 f0c063 
1097647 cefepime hydrochloride system suitability (25 mg) f0c095 
1097658 cefixime (500 mg) f 
1097705 cefoperazone dihydrate (200 mg) h g (12/99) 
1097750 cefonicid sodium (1 g) h0d105 g (06/05) 
1097771 cefmenoxime hydrochloride (350 mg) f 
1097782 cefmetazole (200 mg) g0e260 f-1 (09/06) 
1097807 ceforanide (200 mg) f-1 f (07/00) 
1097909 cefotaxime sodium (250 mg) j0c189 i (11/04) each
1097975 cefotetan (500 mg) h0c175 g (07/04) 
1098005 cefotiam hydrochloride (325 mg) g0b050 f (01/03) 
1098027 cefpodoxime proxetil (350 mg) f0c192 
1098049 cefprozil (e)-isomer (50 mg) g0d341 f2c284 
1098050 cefprozil (z)-isomer (200 mg) h0e054 g0c037 
1098107 cefoxitin (500 mg) j0e038 i (05/06) 
1098118 cefpiramide (300 mg) f0c203 
1098129 ceftazidime, delta-3-isomer (15 mg) h0e106 g (06/06) 
1098130 ceftazidime pentahydrate (300 mg) h g (12/99) 
1098173 ceftizoxime (350 mg) i0e262 h (12/06) 
1098184 ceftriaxone sodium (350 mg) g1d265 g0b264 
1098195 ceftriaxone sodium e-isomer (25 mg) i0c190 h (07/04) 
1098209 cefuroxime sodium (200 mg) h g-1 (05/00) 
1098220 cefuroxime axetil (500 mg) g f-1 (05/02) 
1098231 cefuroxime axetil delta-3-isomers (15 mg) h1e186 h0b160 
1098300 cellulose acetate (125 mg) f-1 f (11/99) each
1098322 cellaburate (350 mg) (cellulose acetate butyrate) f0d220 
1098355 cellulose acetate phthalate (125 mg) f-1 f (03/99) each
1098388 microcrystalline cellulose (1 g) (as) f0d362 
1098402 powdered cellulose (1 g) (as) f0d364 
1098708 cephaeline hydrobromide (200 mg) g-1 
1099008 cephalexin (400 mg) j0d296 i-2 (10/05) 
1102000 cephalothin sodium (200 mg) i 
1102408 cephapirin benzathine (100 mg) f 
1102500 cephapirin sodium (200 mg) i-1 i (07/02) 
1102805 cephradine (200 mg) j i (04/00) 
1103003 cetyl alcohol (100 mg) i1e065 i (07/06) 
1103105 cetyl palmitate (50 mg) f0b241 
1104006 cetylpyridinium chloride (500 mg) j0d299 i (10/05) 
1105009 powdered chaste tree extract (1.5 g) f0c406 each

page 8

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1106001 chlorambucil (125 mg) (for u.s. sale only) g f-1 (02/99) each
1107004 chloramphenicol (200 mg) n1c074 n (10/04) 
1107300 chloramphenicol palmitate (200 mg) g-1 
1107401 chloramphenicol palmitate nonpolymorph a (200 mg) f-1 
1107503 chloramphenicol palmitate polymorph a (100 mg) g1d219 g (10/05) 
1109000 chlordiazepoxide civ (200 mg) i0b063 h-1 (03/03) 
1110009 chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride civ (200 mg) g-4 
1110020 chlordiazepoxide related compound a (25 mg) (7-chloro-g 
1,3-dihydro-5-phenyl-2h-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one 4oxide)
1111001 chlorhexidine (200 mg) f0c306 
1111103 chlorhexidine acetate (500 mg) g0e008 f0c281 
1111307 chlorhexidine related compounds (50 mg) f0d017 
1112503 chlorobutanol (200 mg) g1d301 g (09/05) 
1115545 chlorogenic acid (50 mg) f0c420 
1115556 beta-chlorogenin (20 mg) f 
1117008 chloroprocaine hydrochloride (200 mg) g0b285 f-3 (01/04) 
1118000 chloroquine phosphate (500 mg) i h (10/99) 
1119309 chlorthalidone related compound a (15 mg) (4"-chloro-3"i0e270
sulfamoyl-2-benzophenone carboxylic acid) (12/06)
1121005 chlorothiazide (200 mg) h1e231 h0b161 
1122008 chlorotrianisene (1 g) f 
1122700 chloroxylenol (125 mg) f2c259 f-1 (07/04) each
1122722 chloroxylenol related compound a (25 mg) (2-chloro-3,5g0c275
f-1 (07/04) 
1123000 chlorpheniramine maleate (125 mg) m0b020 l-1 (06/03) each
1123102 chlorpheniramine maleate extended-release tablets (drug g0b259 f (06/03) 
release calibrator, single unit) (60 tablets)
1124003 chlorphenoxamine hydrochloride (200 mg) f-1 
1125006 chlorpromazine hydrochloride (200 mg) j i (04/99) 
1126009 chlorpropamide (200 mg) h 
1127001 chlorprothixene (200 mg) f-1 
1129007 chlortetracycline hydrochloride (200 mg) k0c185 j-1 (12/04) 
1130006 chlorthalidone (200 mg) i0c255 h-1 (11/04) 
1130505 chlorzoxazone (500 mg) i h (07/01) 
1130527 chlorzoxazone related compound a (50 mg) (2-amino-4g-

1131009 cholecalciferol (30 mg/ampule; 5 ampules) (vitamin d3) m0b157 l (10/03) $172.00each
1131803 delta-4,6-cholestadienol (30 mg) f 
1132001 cholesteryl caprylate (200 mg) f 
1133004 cholestyramine resin (500 mg) i each
1133503 cholic acid (2 g) (as) f3b159 f-2 (01/03) 
1133536 choline bitartrate (200 mg) f0c057 
1133547 choline chloride (200 mg) f0c058 
1133570 chondroitin sulfate sodium (300 mg) g0e236 f0b256 (09/06) 
1133638 chromium picolinate (100 mg) f 

page 9

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1134007 chymotrypsin (300 mg) i h (06/01) 
1134018 ciclopirox (50 mg) f0e086 
1134029 ciclopirox related compound a (25 mg) (3-cyclohexyl-4,5f0e087
dihydro-5-methyl-5-isoxazolyl acetic acid)
1134030 ciclopirox olamine (125 mg) h0c207 g (05/03) each
1134040 ciclopirox related compound b (25 mg) (6-cyclohexyl-4f0e088
1134051 cilastatin ammonium salt (100 mg) g0c334 f-1 (05/05) 
1134062 cimetidine (200 mg) i1c081 i (05/04) 
1134073 cimetidine hydrochloride (200 mg) f 
1134109 cinoxacin (200 mg) f 
1134313 ciprofloxacin (125 mg) each
1134324 ciprofloxacin ethylenediamine analog (25 mg) j0a030 i (01/03) 
1134335 ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (400 mg) i0c265 h (02/05) 
1134346 ciprofloxacin related compound a (25 mg) (7-chloro-1f0e333
carboxylic acid hydrochloride salt) (as)
1134357 cisplatin (100 mg) h g (03/01) 
1134368 citric acid (200 mg) f2e269 f1b092 (07/06) 
1134379 clarithromycin (75 mg) g0d356 f4b183 (03/06) 
1134380 clarithromycin related compound a (50 mg) (6,11-di-og
f (04/01) 
methylerythromycin a)
1134390 clarithromycin identity (100 mg) f0e141 
1134404 clavam-2-carboxylate potassium (1 pellet) h0c089 g0b225 
1134426 clavulanate lithium (200 mg) i1c270 i (02/05) 
1134506 clemastine fumarate (250 mg) j0c090 i (09/06) 
1135000 clidinium bromide (2 g) h0b115 g (03/05) 
1135021 clidinium bromide related compound a (250 mg) (3i
hydroxy-1-methylquinuclindinium bromide)
1136002 clindamycin hydrochloride (200 mg) h0e044 g4a017 $463.00each
1137005 clindamycin palmitate hydrochloride (500 mg) g0d334 f-2 (11/05) $463.00each
1138008 clindamycin phosphate (125 mg) i0c165 h-3 (04/04) $232.00each
1138201 clioquinol (500 mg) n0e020 m (03/06) 
1138405 clobetasol propionate (200 mg) f2c309 f-1 (03/05) 
1138427 clobetasol propionate related compound a (50 mg) (9f2c417
f-1 (12/05) 
1138507 clocortolone pivalate (200 mg) g 
1138904 clofazimine (200 mg) f 
1139000 clofibrate (1 g) i h (04/01) 
1140000 clomiphene citrate (500 mg) i0e164 h (05/06) 
1140101 clomiphene related compound a (100 mg) ((e,z)-2-[4-(1,2f1b206
f (09/03) 
1140247 clomipramine hydrochloride (200 mg) f0c075 

page 10

catalog #
clonazepam civ (200 mg)
product desc-ription
current lot
$224.00unit price
previous lot
1140327 clonazepam related compound a (25 mg) (3-amino-4-(2g2b110
g-1 (01/04) 
1140338 clonazepam related compound b (25 mg) (2-amino-2"h
g (04/01) 
1140349 clonazepam related compound c (25 mg) (2-bromo-2"-(2f0c340
1140393 clonidine (200 mg) f0c401 
1140407 clonidine hydrochloride (200 mg) h0d106 g (05/05) 
1140418 clonidine related compound a (25 mg) (acetylclonidine) f0c373 
1140429 clonidine related compound b (25 mg) (2-[(e)-2,6f0c403
1140430 clopidogrel bisulfate (125 mg) f0e115 $753.00each
1140509 clorazepate dipotassium civ (125 mg) g0b027 f-1 (06/03) 
1140586 clopidogrel related compound a (20 mg) ((s)-(of0e117
acid, hydrochloride)
1140597 clopidogrel related compound b (20 mg) (methyl(+/-)-(of0e119
1140600 clopidogrel related compound c (20 mg) (methyl (-)-(r)-(of0e118
hydrogen sulfate)
1140702 clorsulon (200 mg) f1b084 f (01/04) 
1141002 clotrimazole (200 mg) k0c282 j (02/05) each
1141024 clotrimazole related compound a (25 mg) ((oi1d166
i (11/05) 
1141909 cloxacillin benzathine (200 mg) f-1 f (03/02) 
1142005 cloxacillin sodium (200 mg) l0b086 k (01/04) 
1142107 clozapine (100 mg) g0d315 f0c032 each
1143008 cocaine hydrochloride cii (250 mg) i0b074 h-2 (01/04) 
1143802 codeine n-oxide ci (50 mg) g0a034 f-1 (11/02) 
1144000 codeine phosphate cii (100 mg) j0c200 i-1 (10/04) 
1145003 codeine sulfate cii (250 mg) h-2 h-1 (01/02) 
1145207 cod liver oil (1 g) f0d400 
1146006 colchicine (300 mg) j i (05/02) 
1146505 colestipol hydrochloride (200 mg) f-1 
1147009 colistimethate sodium (200 mg) h1d234 h (09/05) 
1148001 colistin sulfate (200 mg) g-1 g (09/99) 
1148500 copovidone (100 mg) f0c194 
1148806 corn oil (1 g) (as) f0d181 
1149004 corticotropin (5.6 units/vial; 5 vials) m l (06/99) each
1150003 cortisone acetate (150 mg) i 
1150207 cottonseed oil (1 g) (as) f0d173 
1150353 creatinine (100 mg) f 
1150502 cromolyn sodium (500 mg) j1e187 j (11/06) 

page 11

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1150513 cromolyn sodium related compound a (25 mg) (1,3-bis-(2f0e045
acetyl-3-hydroxyphenoxy)-2-propanol) (as)
1150706 crospovidone (200 mg) g1c273 g (12/04) 
1151006 crotamiton (200 mg) h-1 h (07/00) 
1152009 cyanocobalamin (1.5 g of mixture with mannitol; 10.7 mcg/mg n m-3 (08/99) 
of mixture) (vitamin b12)
1152508 cyclacillin (200 mg) g 
1152701 cyclandelate (200 mg) f0c384 
1154004 cyclizine hydrochloride (200 mg) h0d321 g (10/05) 
1154503 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride (200 mg) g0a013 f-3 (07/03) 
1154558 alpha cyclodextrin (50 mg) f-1 f (10/00) 
1154569 beta cyclodextrin (250 mg) g f-1 (12/02) 
1154707 cyclomethicone 4 (200 mg) f-2 f-1 (06/02) 
1154809 cyclomethicone 5 (200 mg) g0d052 f-2 (07/05) 
1154900 cyclomethicone 6 (200 mg) f2b024 f-1 (03/03) 
1156000 cyclopentolate hydrochloride (300 mg) i0c424 h (03/05) 
1157002 cyclophosphamide (500 mg) (for u.s. sale only) j1b200 j (02/05) each
1157501 2-cyclopropylmethylamino-5-chlorobenzophenone (50 mg) f 
1158005 cycloserine (200 mg) g 
1158504 cyclosporine (50 mg) h-1 h (11/02) each
1158650 cyclosporine resolution mixture (25 mg) f $445.00each
1159008 cyclothiazide (200 mg) f-1 
1161000 cyproheptadine hydrochloride (500 mg) g f-4 (11/02) 
1161509 l-cysteine hydrochloride (200 mg) h g (05/00) 
1162002 cytarabine (250 mg) g-2 g-1 (07/00) 
1162148 cytosine (100 mg) f0e284 
1162308 dacarbazine (125 mg) h g (01/99) each
1162320 dacarbazine related compound a (50 mg) (5h0c052
g (03/04) 
aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide hydrochloride)
1162330 dacarbazine related compound b (50 mg) (2g0c325
f-1 (03/05) $649.00each
1162400 dactinomycin (50 mg) i $462.00each
1162501 danazol (200 mg) h g (10/00) 
1164008 dapsone (125 mg) h0d260 g-3 (02/06) each
1164700 daunorubicin hydrochloride (200 mg) l0b307 k (11/03) each
1165000 decamethonium bromide (250 mg) f 
1166003 deferoxamine mesylate (500 mg) i 
1166309 dehydroacetic acid (200 mg) f 
1166400 dehydrocarteolol hydrochloride (100 mg) f 
1166502 dehydrocholic acid (200 mg) f-1 f (03/04) 
1169001 demecarium bromide (250 mg) f 
1170000 demeclocycline hydrochloride (200 mg) h1c036 h (08/04) 
1171003 denatonium benzoate (200 mg) i0b129 h (09/02) 
1171251 2-deoxy-d-glucose (100 mg) (as) f0e006 each
1171706 desacetyl diltiazem hydrochloride (50 mg) j0c143 i (07/05) 
1171900 desflurane (0.5 ml) f0c187 

page 12

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1171910 desflurane related compound a (0.1 ml) (bis-(1,2,2,2f0c031
tetrafluoroethyl) ether)
1172006 desipramine hydrochloride (125 mg) i0e283 h-1 (11/06) each
1173009 deslanoside (100 mg) h-1 
1173235 desogestrel (50 mg) g0c390 f0b282 (11/04) 
1173246 desogestrel related compound a (15 mg) (13-ethyl-11f0b279
methylene-18, 19-dinor-5alpha, 17alpha-preg-3-en-20-yl17-
ol, desogestrel delta-3 isomer)
1173257 desogestrel related compound b (15 mg) (3-hydroxy$
1173268 desogestrel related compound c (25 mg) (3-ketof0b281
1173508 desoximetasone (200 mg) h0b036 g (01/04) 
1174001 desoxycorticosterone acetate (200 mg) j0c014 i (01/04) 
1175004 desoxycorticosterone pivalate (125 mg) h0c276 g (01/04) each
1176007 dexamethasone (125 mg) j each
1176506 dexamethasone acetate (200 mg) h0e339 g (12/06) 
1177000 dexamethasone phosphate (200 mg) k0e275 j1b070 (01/07) 
1178002 dexbrompheniramine maleate (200 mg) j i (03/03) 
1179005 dexchlorpheniramine maleate (300 mg) h0d199 g1a025 
1179504 dexpanthenol (500 mg) j0c293 i (08/04) $173.00each
1179628 dextran 1 (50 mg) f0d297 $173.00each
1179650 dextran t-10 (200 mg) f0d238 
1179708 dextran 40 (50 mg) f0c247 
1179720 dextran 40 system suitability (200 mg) f0b181 
1179741 dextran 70 (50 mg) f0c260 
1179763 dextran 70 system suitability (200 mg) f0b182 
1179800 dextran vo marker (100 mg) f0b242 
1179854 dextran 4 calibration (100 mg) f0c002 
1179865 dextran 10 calibration (100 mg) f0c010 
1179876 dextran 40 calibration (100 mg) f0c011 
1179887 dextran 70 calibration (100 mg) f0c013 
1179898 dextran 250 calibration (100 mg) f0c039 
1180004 dextroamphetamine sulfate cii (500 mg) i0c311 h (05/05) $234.00each
1180503 dextromethorphan (2 g) h g (06/00) 
1181007 dextromethorphan hydrobromide (500 mg) j0b167 i (07/03) 
1181302 dextrose (500 mg) j-1 j (11/02) each
1181506 diacetylated monoglycerides (200 mg) g 
1182000 diacetylfluorescein (200 mg) h g (01/02) 
1183002 diacetylmorphine hydrochloride ci (25 mg) (as) (heroin j i-1 (10/99) 
1184005 diatrizoic acid (100 mg) h0e084 g (04/06) 
1184027 diatrizoic acid related compound a (50 mg) (5-acetamido-3i
h (02/00) 
amino-2,4,6-triiodobenzoic acid)
1185008 diazepam civ (100 mg) i1c364 i (02/06) 
1185020 diazepam related compound a (25 mg) (2-methyl-amino-5i
h-1 (11/02)  each

page 13

catalog #
diazoxide (200 mg)
product desc-ription
current lot
previous lot
g (12/03)
1187003 dibucaine hydrochloride (200 mg) i h-2 (01/03) 
1187080 dibutyl phthalate (200 mg) f0d125 
1187091 dibutyl sebacate (1 ml) (as) f0d128 
1187207 dichloralphenazone civ (200 mg) f0b010 
1187954 2,4-dichlorophenol (100 mg) f0e113 
1188006 dichlorphenamide (200 mg) g-1 
1188301 dichlorvos (150 mg) (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate) f0d141 $173.00each
1188800 diclofenac sodium (200 mg) h0b150 g-1 (03/04) 
1188811 diclofenac related compound a (50 mg) (n-(2,6i0d337
h (06/06) $530.00each
1189009 dicloxacillin sodium (500 mg) j0c182 i0b142 (09/04) 
1190008 dicumarol (200 mg) g 
1191000 dicyclomine hydrochloride (125 mg) h g (03/99) each
1192003 dienestrol (125 mg) i each
1192808 diethanolamine (3 ml) f0d118 
1193006 diethylcarbamazine citrate (200 mg) g-1 
1193301 diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (0.5 ml/ampule) g0c159 f0b095 (09/06) 
1193505 diethyl phthalate (200 mg) g f-1 (03/00) 
1194009 diethylpropion hydrochloride civ (200 mg) h 
1195001 diethylstilbestrol (200 mg) k5b291 k-4 (05/04) 
1197007 diethyltoluamide (3 g) h1d076 h (11/06) each
1197302 diflorasone diacetate (200 mg) g f-1 (03/00) 
1197506 diflunisal (200 mg) g 
1198000 digitalis (3 g) f 
1199002 digitoxin (200 mg) m 
1200000 digoxin (250 mg) o0b096 n-1 (04/03) 
1200600 dihydrocapsaicin (25 mg) g0c071 f-1 (12/03) each
1200804 dihydrocodeine bitartrate cii (200 mg) i0d205 h (09/05) 
1201002 17alpha-dihydroequilin (50 mg) i0c277 h (07/04) each
1202005 dihydroergotamine mesylate (250 mg) (list chemical) j0b085 i (03/03) 
1203008 dihydrostreptomycin sulfate (200 mg) j 
1204000 dihydrotachysterol (30 mg/ampule; 4 ampules) j0d250 i (06/05) 
1204102 dihydroxyacetone (250 mg) f 
1204805 diloxanide furoate (200 mg) f0c026 
1205003 diltiazem hydrochloride (200 mg) i 
1206006 dimenhydrinate (100 mg) j0b055 i (06/03) 
1208001 dimethisoquin hydrochloride (2 g) g 
1210105 n-(3-dimethylamino-propyl)-2-aza-8,8-diethyl-8f
germaspiro [4:5]decane-1,3-dione (as)
1211006 dimethyl sulfoxide (3 g) h0d273 g0c198 each
1213001 dinoprost tromethamine (50 mg) f 
1213103 dinoprostone (50 mg) ship with ice pack f0c030 
1214004 dioxybenzone (150 mg) f1b277 f (10/03) 

page 14

catalog #
diphenhydramine citrate (125 mg)
product desc-ription
current lot
unit price
previous lot
1218005 diphenhydramine hydrochloride (200 mg) j0b013 i (07/03) 
1219008 diphenoxylate hydrochloride cii (200 mg) i1d339 i (08/06) 
1220302 dipivefrin hydrochloride (200 mg) i h (06/99) 
1220506 dipyridamole (200 mg) h g-1 (01/99) 
1220700 dirithromycin (200 mg) f 
1221000 disodium guanylate (300 mg) (fcc) f-1 
1222002 disodium inosinate (500 mg) (fcc) f 
1222501 disopyramide phosphate (200 mg) h-1 h (03/02) 
1223005 2,4-disulfamyl-5-trifluoromethylaniline (125 mg) g 
1224008 disulfiram (200 mg) f-3 f-2 (07/02) 
1224507 dobutamine hydrochloride (600 mg) h-1 h (01/00) 
1224700 docusate calcium (500 mg) h0b044 g-1 (07/02) 
1224802 docusate sodium (500 mg) k0d134 j (09/05) 
1224904 docusate potassium (100 mg) f-1 f (11/99) 
1224959 dolasetron mesylate (200 mg) f0c319 
1224960 dolasetron mesylate related compound a (25 mg) f0c321 
1225000 doxapram hydrochloride (200 mg) f4c053 f-3 (07/04) 
1225204 dopamine hydrochloride (200 mg) g f-5 (05/02) 
1225281 dorzolamide hydrochloride (200 mg) g0e278 f0c040 
1225292 dorzolamide hydrochloride related compound a (20 mg) g0e029 f0c068 
1225419 doxazosin mesylate (200 mg) g0e173 f0c079 
1225500 doxepin hydrochloride (500 mg) i 
1225703 doxorubicin hydrochloride (50 mg) k j (06/02) each
1226003 doxycycline hyclate (200 mg) j0e174 i (09/06) 
1227006 doxylamine succinate (300 mg) i0b266 h (01/04) 
1229001 dr-operidol (250 mg) i0c029 h-1 (01/05) 
1230000 dyclonine hydrochloride (200 mg) g 
1231003 dydrogesterone (200 mg) i0b114 h (01/04) 
1231502 dyphylline (200 mg) g-2 g-1 (11/02) 
1231706 powdered echinacea angustifolia extract (1 g) f0d019 
1231728 powdered echinacea purpurea extract (1 g) f0d018 
1231808 econazole nitrate (200 mg) g1c346 g (07/05) 
1232006 edetate calcium disodium (200 mg) h0b272 g-3 (11/04) 
1233009 edetate disodium (200 mg) i0d405 h (06/06) 
1233508 edetic acid (200 mg) f-1 
1234001 edr-ophonium chloride (200 mg) h g (08/99) 
1234668 eleutheroside b (15 mg) (syringin) f0e056 $884.00each
1234680 eleutheroside e (15 mg) (syringaresinol diglucoside) f0e057 $884.00each
1234704 powdered eleuthero extract (1.5 g) f0c291 each

page 15

catalog #
emedastine difumarate (100 mg)
product desc-ription
current lot
previous lot
1235004 emetine hydrochloride (300 mg) h0b201 g (05/03) 
1235274 enalaprilat (300 mg) j0c268 i (11/04) each
1235300 enalapril maleate (200 mg) j1c267 j (05/05) 
1235503 endotoxin (10,000 usp endotoxin units) g3e069 g2b274 
1235809 enflurane (1 ml) g-1 g (02/01) 
1235900 enrofloxacin (200 mg) (as) f0e094 
1236007 ephedrine sulfate (200 mg) (list chemical) h-2 h-1 (11/02) 
1236506 4-epianhydrotetracycline hydrochloride (50 mg) j0c041 i-1 (12/03) 
1236801 epilactose (200 mg) h0e049 g (08/06) 
1237000 epinephrine bitartrate (200 mg) o 
1237509 epitetracycline hydrochloride (200 mg) (as) g0e261 f (12/06) 
1238002 equilin (25 mg) i1b290 i (11/04) each
1239005 ergocalciferol (30 mg/ampule; 5 ampules) (vitamin d2) p0b275 o (02/04) $182.00each
1239504 ergoloid mesylates (300 mg) i h-1 (01/00) 
1240004 ergonovine maleate (100 mg) (list chemical) n m-1 (07/02) 
1241007 ergosterol (50 mg) h 
1241506 ergotamine tartrate (150 mg) (list chemical) i0b174 h (01/04) 
1241550 ergotaminine (100 mg) (list chemical) g0b177 f-1 (06/04) 
1241903 erythritol (200 mg) f0e313 
1242000 erythromycin (250 mg) m1e251 m (02/07) 
1242010 erythromycin b (150 mg) g1c080 g (11/04) 
1242021 erythromycin c (50 mg) f-3 f-2 (01/03) 
1242032 erythromycin related compound n (50 mg) (nf2a023
f-1 (06/04) 
demethylerythromycin a)
1243002 erythromycin estolate (200 mg) h g (01/03) 
1245008 erythromycin ethylsuccinate (200 mg) h g-1 (06/01) 
1246000 erythromycin gluceptate (200 mg) h g (07/03) 
1247003 erythromycin lactobionate (200 mg) h-1 h (01/02) 
1248006 erythromycin stearate (200 mg) h0b187 g-1 (05/03) 
1249009 erythrosine sodium (100 mg) f 
1250008 estradiol (500 mg) l0c337 k1b007 
1251000 estradiol benzoate (250 mg) (as) h0c332 g-1 (01/06) 
1252003 estradiol cypionate (200 mg) g-1 g (02/00) 
1254009 estradiol valerate (100 mg) l1d286 l (04/06) 
1254508 estriol (100 mg) j i-1 (06/01) 
1255001 estrone (200 mg) k1b099 k (07/03) 
1255500 estropipate (500 mg) j0b262 i (12/03) 
1256004 ethacrynic acid (200 mg) f 
1257007 ethambutol hydrochloride (200 mg) h g (08/02) 
1258305 ethchlorvynol civ (0.7 ml) f0b011 
1260001 ethinyl estradiol (150 mg) q0c162 p1b193 
1260012 ethinyl estradiol related compound a (20 mg) (6-keto-ethinyl f0b252  each

page 16

catalog #
ethionamide (200 mg)
product desc-ription
current lot
previous lot
g (03/03)
1262801 ethopabate (125 mg) f 
1262823 ethopabate related compound a (25 mg) (methyl-4f
1263000 ethopropazine hydrochloride (300 mg) g 
1264002 ethosuximide (125 mg) h g-2 (11/01) each
1264501 ethotoin (200 mg) f 
1265005 ethoxzolamide (200 mg) f 
1265504 ethylcellulose (1 g) h-1 h (06/99) 
1266008 ethyl maltol (1 g) (fcc) h 
1266507 ethylnorepinephrine hydrochloride (200 mg) f 
1267000 ethylparaben (200 mg) i0a016 h (01/04) 
1267500 ethyl vanillin (200 mg) f2b134 f-1 (04/04) 
1268003 ethynodiol diacetate (200 mg) i0a033 h-1 (01/03) 
1268502 etidronate disodium (200 mg) g f-2 (02/03) 
1268513 etidronate disodium related compound a (300 mg) (sodium f0e227 
phosphite dibasic pentahydrate)
1268604 etidronic acid monohydrate (1 g) g f-1 (05/99) 
1268706 etodolac (400 mg) g f (10/01) 
1268728 etodolac related compound a (25 mg) ((+/-)-8-ethyl-1f-
1 f (05/02) 
methyl-1,3,4,9-tetrahydr-opyrano [3,4-b]-indole-1-acetic
1268808 etoposide (300 mg) h0c315 g (11/04) each
1268852 etoposide resolution mixture (30 mg) f0b209 
1268965 eugenol (500 mg) (as) f0d303 
1269200 famotidine (125 mg) i0e063 h-1 (06/06) each
1269389 felodipine (200 mg) g0d065 f-1 (04/05) 
1269390 felodipine related compound a (100 mg) (ethyl methyl 4f0b207
1269403 fenbendazole (100 mg) f 
1269414 fenbendazole related compound a (30 mg) (methyl (1hf0d009
1269425 fenbendazole related compound b (30 mg) (methyl [5(6)f0d008
1269458 fenoldopam mesylate (200 mg) f0c125 
1269469 fenoldopam related compound a (20 mg) (n-methyl-6f0c124
7,8-diol hydrochloride)
1269470 fenoldopam related compound b (20 mg) (1h-3f0c126
benzazapine-7,8-diol, 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1-(4hydroxyphenyl)-,
1269505 fenoprofen calcium (500 mg) g-1 
1269550 fenoprofen sodium (500 mg) g f-1 (05/02) 
1270005 * citrate cii (100 mg) k0c264 j2b227 (11/04) each
1270355 ferrous sulfate (1.5 g) (as) f0d196 
1270377 fexofenadine hydrochloride (200 mg) f1e289 f0d244 

page 17

catalog # product desc-ription current lotunit priceprevious lot
1270388 fexofenadine related compound a (25 mg) (4-[1-oxy-4-[4f0d245
benzeneacetic acid)
1270399 fexofenadine related compound b (25 mg) (3-[1-hydroxy-4f0d246
benzeneacetic acid hydrochloride)
1270402 finasteride (200 mg) f1e139 f (07/06) 
1270446 fexofenadine related compound c (15 mg) ((+)-4-[1f0e291
1270800 flecainide acetate (200 mg) f2a022 f-1 (02/05) 
1270821 flecainide related compound a (75 mg) (3-[2,5-bis(2,2,2f
1,5a]pyridine hydrochloride)
1271008 floxuridine (250 mg) f-2 f-1 (08/01) 
1271700 fluconazole (200 mg) f0d262 
1271711 fluconazole related compound a (10 mg) (2-[2-fluoro-4f0d080
1271722 fluconazole related compound b (10 mg) (2-(4f0d081
1271733 fluconazole related compound c (10 mg) (1,1"-(1,3f0d082
1272000 flucytosine (200 mg) g0e151 f (06/05) 
1272204 fludarabine phosphate (300 mg) f0c374 
1272907 fludeoxyglucose (100


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