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来源:上海如庆电子科技有限公司   2018年07月17日 07:25  


Alkaline Aqueous Cleaner

A low-foaming, all-purpose alkaline cleaning solution, Daraclean® 282 is an excellent cleaner for a broad spectrum of soils. Daraclean 282 has excellent soil-rejecting properties and suspends soils until they settle and can be removed by filtering or skimming, extending the life of the cleaner much further than emulsion-type solutions. Formulated with a blend of surfactants, emulsifiers and corrosion inhibitors, it is safe to use on most metals, and is non-aggressive on aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys.

Available in 5 and 55 gallon containers, Daraclean 282 can be used in concentrations up to 25 percent (20 percent for CARB compliance), in immersion, ultrasonic, spray and steam processes. Moderay alkaline, with low foam levels, Daraclean 282 contains inhibitors to prevent metal corrosion, and has no phosphates and is hard water tolerant.

Daraclean 282 carries wide aerospace compliance, and is designed to clean all oils, machining fluid, synthetic coolants and buffing compounds from aluminum, anodized aluminum, brass and bronze, carbon steel, cast iron, stainless steel, copper, nickel, superalloys and plated metals. It also works well on titanium and magnesium, and can be used on carbonized soils.


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